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Learning Essays

Learning Essay Samples & Examples

With the development of technologies, education changes day by day. Types of learning methods can be a good topic for your essay. You can write about modern schools, top universities, Ivy Leagues, e-learning, personal learning strategies, pedagogical novelties, and teaching methodology. You can do research and use the materials in books or online. Just don’t forget to mention all the references in the works cited page.

Learning essays are usually written in the informative style. You have to include the theory by citing credible sources. Also, it is good if you avoid using direct quotes. It is more efficient to paraphrase because this won’t be counted as plagiarism by online checkers.

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Information and Communication Technology Profile of Naguilian National High School

The ICT profile of Naguilian National High School Library was determined through the use of survey checklist of the existence of hardware, software, peopleware, network components. According to Zhenhui (2010), information and communication technology (ICT) enabled the user to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other …

Aids to Effective Teaching

* THE RECITATION * ASSIGNMENT * ART OF QUESTIONING THE RECITATION * has become a permanent fixture of the classroom situation. * Is the visible manifestation of the teaching-learning situation. * aids pupils in learning and clarifying abstract concepts and ideas. * RATIONALE FOR THE RECITATION * The legitimate excuse …

Teacher's Perceptions On Coporal Punishment

School is an institution for educating and nurturing the development of students. It’s known as their second home and one of the safest places for them to gain knowledge and wisdom thru their educational practises. However, for years, schools around the world have being practising corporal punishments as a tool …

Learning Style

People have different learning style. The V. A. R. K learning style consists of four different types of learning. The visual, aural, read-write, kinesthetic and the combination of the different study strategies called the multimodal strategies. In order for a person to know what their learning strategy is, he should …

Topical Structure of Paragraphs Written by Filipino Students

Macro skills – reading, listening, speaking and writing – depend on how critical, logical and coherent ideas are presented and weaved in, for instance, a reading material, discussion or written output. In writing, in particular, much weight is given to these three areas in most cases, since these three criteria …

A Study of the Vinegar Fermentation

1 A scientific paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in HNF 12 laboratory, 2nd sem., 2012-2013. OBJECTIVES 1. To enumerate the principle and methods in fermentation; and 2. to identify the factors that affect the efficiency of fermentation. INTRODUCTION Vinegar has been traditionally used as a food preservative. …

Curriculum Approaches

Each curriculum describes several and different approaches which reflect the developer’s view of reality, philosophy, history, psychology, social issues, and the domains of knowledge. For every approach, it expresses an orientation or perspective about curriculum development which impacts on the design of the curriculum, the role of schools, administrators, teachers, …

University Grants Commission

Governance and Management :Education in India is coordinated by several agencies. While the university system falls within the jurisdiction of the UGC, professional institutions are coordinated by different bodies. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for coordination of technical and management education institutions, others are Medical Council of …

Why College Education Is Important Essay

The increase in competition in the job market, coupled with dreams and aspirations for better life has led to a high demand for higher education. This implies that college education provides students with exciting opportunities which may not be available to students who end their education after high school (Smart, …

Improvement of the Sitara

As you are all excited to visit your Sitara, you may cover the following areas when you meet them: •Understand the academic strengths and areas of improvement of the Sitara. Use the observations from the earlier mentors as a guide. •Depending on their standard, each Sitara appears for different competitive …

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