Classroom Essays

Maria Montessori believed that children in each plane of development undergo several sensitive periods. By providing the appropriate stimulation in this period, their senses can be awakened. She noted that children at tender age of 3 years responded to familiar materials in their environment. They showed extreme eagerness to use …
Abstract This paper discusses the topic of dealing with faulty or improper behavior of students in the classroom. A teacher is not only responsible for the formal education of his students but also for their spiritual and mental conditioning. To guide students mentally and correct their troublesome behavior in the …
Procedures are very important in maximizing the time that students are engaged in learning activities. Proper procedures allow students to automatically know what to do given a particular class routine. As such, the teacher does not waste any time giving out instructions because the students already know the procedure for …
Complete the table below by doing the following: Fill in the table by adding your answer to each question. Submit the completed worksheet as an attachment via the Assignment tab. Question about Classroom Interactivity Your Answers Why is it important for you to check your UOPX email account regularly as …
ABSTRACT Many teachers are faced with the difficult task of managing their student’s behavior. Even if we have developed the best, most effective classroom management plan we can think of, there will always be a few students who act out or disrupt the flow of learning. This is no different …
Introduction: Smart class is a technology which will completely evolve and develop the education system by merging technology with learning the perfect combination and key to success and with the help of Sony and the collaboration of few universities we plan to make learning easier and more fun. Education plays …
This paper will discuss and evaluate classroom learning strategies and methodologies. The paper would elaborate experiences and modalities of various educationists and academicians in a pedagogical set up. It would also transpire how these renowned educational philosophers and legends acquire the best results from their empirical studies reflected in their …
Jacob Kounin, an educational psychologist, became best known for his research of the effects of classroom management on student behaviour. In 1970, he published his book, Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms, after realising that teaching and discipline were closely related. He produced a model for teachers to effectively reduce …
Essay on my ideal classroom set up for elementary school children. My ideal classroom is not entirely, but almost based on fun. My main objective is to have kids come into my class room and feeling that Ms. English’s classroom is a whole lot of fun. Not only do I …
We should get to class on time before the bell rings and when we get into the classroom we should sit down in our seats calmly and quietly without playing around and goofing off. Always do what the teacher tells you during class time. We should always listen closely to …
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