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Learning Essays

Learning Essay Samples & Examples

With the development of technologies, education changes day by day. Types of learning methods can be a good topic for your essay. You can write about modern schools, top universities, Ivy Leagues, e-learning, personal learning strategies, pedagogical novelties, and teaching methodology. You can do research and use the materials in books or online. Just don’t forget to mention all the references in the works cited page.

Learning essays are usually written in the informative style. You have to include the theory by citing credible sources. Also, it is good if you avoid using direct quotes. It is more efficient to paraphrase because this won’t be counted as plagiarism by online checkers.

If you need original and high-quality paper, use our writing service. We have been working in the sphere of writing for many years. Our writers know how to make your paper of the highest quality. Click to order your assignment and get the best essay ever.

Communication Gadgets and Its Effect Among Freshmen Students

This chapter presents related literature and related studies, both foreign and local which have direct bearing to this investigation. Studies here and abroad have lent valuable information on the formulation of the research problem at hand. The related literature and studies cites, greatly help the researchers in accomplishment of the …

Students of Alternative Learning System: Basis for Academic Performance

Every individual have the opportunity to be educated. In school, teachers developed all the dimension of students, their physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual values. They should learn the best knowledge, because as the saying says “learning is the key to success”. But unfortunately not all individuals are given a chance …

Direct Instruction Model

“The purpose of the Direct Instruction model is to teach knowledge and skills that are already definable, easily illustrated, and reliably improved with practice.” (Estes, 2011) Contributors to the understanding of Direct Instruction include social learning theory, behavioral psychology, and cognitive learning theory. Barak Rosenshine identified the six steps of …

Teacher and Teaching Process

“Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” * Teacher- is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the best services by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth. –Code of Ethics for Professional …

The Jacksonville Port Project

Abstract This paper critically analyses the proposal to expand the Jacksonville Port, the benefits and challenges thereto, and makes relevant recommendations that would go a long way in enhancing the successful implementation and complementation of the proposed project. Key word: Jacksonville Port project. Introduction There have been frantic calls to …

The Significant Difficulties in Writing Effective Academic for International Students

Introduction: With the development of the global economy and advanced technology, students going abroad for the further education become more normal and easier. Academic writing accounts for the considerable proportion during the experience of foreign learning. So, the issue of what are the greatest difficulties is thought to be worthy …

Grading System Via Sms

Innovation have made possible for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing record systems such as, creation of data records, storing, filing and retrieval of data. One of the responsibilities of the registrar office is to keep the student`s grades data secured for their records and purposes. On …

Coventry University Harvard Reference Style

The Coventry University’s Harvard Reference Style is the recommended format for documenting all the sources you use in your academic writing. The golden rule when documenting sources is to be transparent. Ask yourself whether you could find the passage/image/publication/web site address with the information you have provided. To download a …

Extensive Reading Assistance to Struggling Readers Program: a Proposal

The Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) is a national program that addresses the thrust of the Department of Education (DepEd) to make every child a reader at his/her grade level. It is designed to equip elementary pupils with strategic reading and writing skills to make them independent young readers …

Integration of Faith and Learning

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” (Proverbs 22:1 KJV) In Hebrew the word “name” is shem which designates something as a mark or memorial of individuality, and by implication, honor, authority, reputation or character (Strong, 2010). Other …

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