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Books Essays

Book Essay Samples & Examples

Lots of teachers give tasks to their students to prepare an essay about reading. The assignment can refer to the literary analysis of the text or examining the characters of the book. You need to read the task requirements carefully to find out which type of writing you need to use.

Literary analysis is not an easy task because here you need to investigate the text objectively. It is not correct to retell the plot of the book. You just need to examine various themes, motifs, symbols, historical and social background, author’s biography. You don’t have to include your subjective opinion. Don’t forget to include quotes to prove your statements. Also, you have to explain each saying in your own words.

Writing book essays may take lots of time. That is why try our professional service which aims at providing high-quality papers for students. Just fill in the details about your task and wait for the completed article ready for submission.

Regression from Civilisation Into Savagery in Lord of the Flies

In todays modern societies, an idea of a sophisticated way of life as a proof of being civilised is widely spread. If a society does not have things such as political system, contact with other societies, rules, norms and laws, it apparently is a savage. The gap and contrast between …

"Most Dangerous Game" Video/ Book Comparison

The written story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell has beautifully descriptive sets and scenes that help bring the story to life, along with excellent character structure and personality, which leads to interesting and unexpected conflicts that are not properly portrayed in the movie with the same name directed …

Jane Eyre Mystery and Suspense

Discuss how Charlotte Bronte creates mystery and suspense in Jane Eyre. Mystery and suspense play a key part in creating an atmosphere for the reader and foreshadowing coming events. Bronte establishes an air of mystery and suspense throughout the book; from Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester’s first meeting to the …

Early and Middle Adulthood

Although the theory of development by Erik Erikson maintained that humans develop in psychosocial stages, it is the psychological adjustments people undertake in regard to lifestyle and aging that mark significant areas of development. The transition through early adulthood and middle adulthood demand resilience in the pursuit of intimacy, specific …

Do We Sympathise with Women in the Great Gatsby?

What do you think About the View that there are No Women in ‘The Great Gatsby’ With Whom the Reader Can Sympathise? On first looking into the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’, anyone who read it shallowly enough would find it near impossible to be able to sympathise with any female …

Country Notebook for South Korea

In 1997, Outback entered the South Korean market through the franchise agreement with Aussie Chung Inc. Currently there are 101 Outback Steakhouse locations throughout South Korea. I recommend continued expansion in South Korea and would target the city of Busan in the southern region of the country. Busan is city …

Bread Mold

The purpose of this experiment will be to determine how temperature affects the growth of mold on wheat bread. The researchers choose this topic because she thinks it will be beneficial to find a way to keep food from molding. Determining how long bread can be stored before molding can …

Antigone: Conformity and Nonconformity

Sophocles’ Antigone presents Oedipus’ daughters Antigone and Ismene as a non-conformist and a conformist. In postwar Thebes, Antigone must persuade Ismene to help bury their brother Polyneices, who is branded a traitor by the new king Creon. In a new decree Creon states that he will not give any traitors …

Rhetorical Analysis: Cinderella

Cinderella’s story is undoubtedly the most popular fairy tale all over the world. Her fairy tale is one of the best read and emotion filled story that we all enjoyed as young and adults. In Elizabeth Pantajja’s analysis, Cinderella’s story still continues to evoke emotions but not as a love …

The Story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by Roald Dahl

In the story ‘Lamb to the slaughter’ by Roald Dahl, Mary Maloney is an ideal, dedicated, very caring and a loving wife whose world simply revolves around her husband, Patrick. Her only concern and desire in life is to keep her husband happy. She is madly in love with him. …

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