Fantasy Essays

J.R.R Tolkien’s creation has fascinated many fantasy readers all over the world. Inspired by writings, languages, and fantasies of Icelandic linguistic traditions the Oxford professor develops the fictional world of Middle Earth. The Hobbit is a sequel to The Lord of the Rings. Initially, the tale was written in the …
“All night I dreamed of flying… These nightly adventures in space began when Superman started invading my dreams and teaching me how to fly. He use to come roaring by in his shining blue suit with his cape whistling in the wind… In the magic whirring of his cape I …
Fantasy literature is an object of considerable controversy, but this controversy is not specifically or uniquely modern. Arguably, fantasy literature has been controversial since its very beginnings in Western Society, though I am by no means certain of when that is, nor is it the aim here to determine it. …
Could the challenger disaster have been avoided? I once heard a smart man say “Never get to confortable with what you are doing and if you get to confortable change your work”. The challenger disaster was the product of over confidentiality of the engineers working in the project. The problem …
You will never believe what happened to me you remember that dream I used to tell you about? Well buddy it has come true. Last Friday night I had that same dream again and it was massive, it was better than before, it was like a dream come true and …
“A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams tells the tale of Blanche Dubois and her steady decline into insanity through a series of events. Throughout the story the harsh, realistic world of Stanley clashes with Blanche’s filmy, illusionary world. These differences can be seen in how Stanley is portrayed, how …
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