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Short Story Essays

About Some Short Stories of American Writers Franz Kafka and Edgar Allan Poe

Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, is a story about a man’s unexpected transformation into a bug and the spiritual and physical encounters that come with that transformation. Kafka was born into an upper-middle-class family in Prague, in 1883. ( His family was Jewish and while he did attend synagogue a …

My Thoughts About The Story “Metamorphosis” by Kafka

When asked “What do you want out of life,” the majority of people will say their goal is to be happy. This is a simple answer, but with a deep, foggy meaning. Many people want to be the epitome of happiness, but what exactly is happiness? Happiness by definition is …

My Story About Going Out Internationally to Meet With a Client in China

Hi, my name is Sang and I am currently a senior at San Jose State University majoring in business administration, concentration in accounting. I was lucky enough to obtain my assurance intern from Ernst and Young last summer of 2018 and I started off with professional training on the first …

One Day of the Dog's Life

It was a nice sunny afternoon on a Sunday, right after church. My family was gone, but now they’re back and i’m happy. The small little girl tried to grab me and cuddle, but I didn’t like that I never do and most of the time I try to give …

Detective Story

The next week went by fast, filled with convoluted math and careful magic rationing. Sam and Mikayla had gone as far as to sit on opposite ends of the basement while they worked out a way to get 10,689 watts of power, because of how fed up they were with …

A Short Story

It was a cold and dark February morning. The clouds in the sky moved swiftly, above the trees that swayed ferociously. The cars were frozen, and their doors had jammed, leaving many drivers in distress. Those lucky few, who did manage to break open their car doors, found the engine …

A Joke That Is Not So Funny

“Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he’s been given. But up to now he hasn’t been a creator, only a destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life’s become extinct, the climate’s ruined and the land grows …

My Mother and Her Sister by Jane Rogers

‘My mother and her sister’ is a short-story written by Jane Rogers in 1996. Here we follow our main character in the period after his mother’s death and funeral. In this period the main character has invited his aunt Lucy to come and stay with him. This visit gushes forth …

"Jerry, Molly and Sam" Theme Esasy

Writer, Raymond Carver, in his short essay, “Jerry and Molly and Sam,” introduces us to Al. Al, is a thirty-one year old man who exhibits a demeanor of finding everyone around him at fault for his dissatisfaction in life. Writer uses first and third person narrative in a chronological plot …

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