Translation Essays

The play “Translations” written by Brian Friel takes place in a small town in Ireland called Baile Beag in the year 1833. In act one, a hedge-school, located in an old barn, is the place in which the story commences. Everything seems to go as usual, with Manus and his …
This thesis is available for the purpose of reference at: – Library of College of Foreign Languages, University of Danang. – The Information Resources Center, University of Danang. Danang, 2011 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Nowadays, English is considered as an important means of communication all …
I would like to start this blog by telling you a story of what actually happened once in our office. A prospect had called our office and wanted to get further information regarding our costs per word and translation services and asked one of our new Account Managers if we …
The article explains euphemism definition and shows the main characteristics of euphemism and the use of it in several discourses. It provides Arabic examples of euphemisms that been used by native speakers of Arabic language. Also, it explains the reason behind using this linguistic politeness strategy. In addition the study …
Translation and Translation Studies (Definition and a brief history of the discipline) Hermes the god of thieves and liars is also the god of translation. But he has so many other tasks as the god of roads, commerce, travel (these can be connected to translation) as well as arts, magic …
The Grammar Translation Method and the Communicative Approach have both played important roles in grammar teaching. Which is better, the Grammar Translation Method or the Communicative Approach? This paper aims to compare the controllability and feasibility of these two approaches and find out which one is more suitable for grammar …
This is a translation of the Italian poem “Rime 140” by Petrarch. The following link – shows the original form and two translations – each poem is different. They are built around the conceit of love as a warrior or knight, who, in the octave, makes bold to declare himself …
I’ve been reading Bob Ong’s books since college, ever since a friend brought her copy of his first book, A B N K K B S N P L A Ko (That reads as Aba Nakakabasa Na Pala Ako – literal translation: Wow, I Can Read Now). Bob Ong is …
Application in Communication is an application of information technology which they are the one who develop. And especially it helps them to enhance their basic skills. This application is about communication which means exchange of idea or conveyance of information. Technology like Computers is very useful for many people, who …
English The Rev. Dr. W.F. Barry, himself a novelist, has set about to belabour novelists, and to enliven the end of a dull season, in a highly explosive article concerning “the plague of unclean books, and especially of dangerous fiction.” He says: “I never leave my house to journey in …
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