Book Report Essays

In the fictional novel A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway there are many characters throughout the book, however six characters stood out the most. The narrator Frederick Henry is an American, who served as a lieutenant in the Italian army to a group of ambulance drivers during World War …
Ellen White’s Desire of Ages in 1898 became the continental divide for the Adventist comprehension of the Trinity. In the very first paragraph of the book, she called into question the prevalent opinion of early Adventists concerning the relationship of Christ to the Father. Her third sentence in chapter 1 …
These are the characters in this book: Carl, Harald, Helen Sandberg, two male hijackers and one female hijacker. Carl is businessman and he’s married with Helen, she is prime minister,they have one daughter Sarah. Harald is Carl’s bodyguard, he’s a tall,young man like a sportsman and he has two sons …
My book is someone to love me by Anne Schraff. It’s a story of a girl named Cindy a freshmen attending Bluford high school coming to terms of dying alone so she gets desperate not to be alone as she begins to date anyone. Her desperation drives people further away …
Rifleman Dodd is a very interesting book that tells a story of a young soldier who is separated from his comrades during the battle in the 1800’s. This book goes on to describe everything that Matthew Dodd had to go through in order to return back to the fight with …
Six year old Ramona may be young, but she prides herself on being brave. The books starts off with some older boys teasing her sister, Beezus, and Ramona stands up for her. However, Ramona does not receive the praise she feels she deserves. Beezus ends up mad at her for …
Salinger uses a variety of techniques to develop the major themes of The Catcher in the Rye. The statement that ‘Salinger uses a variety of techniques to develop the major themes of The Catcher in the Rye’ is true in a number of important ways. The major themes of the …
As the most commonly talked about book off the Commandant’s reading list, I’ve taken the interest into finding out first hand exactly what is, or was, the message to Garcia. Little did I know, you never actually find out that message. Instead, “A Message to Garcia,” is but a short …
1. Soul Surfer takes place in Kauai, Hawaii. In the story, the main character-Bethany Hamilton- is an extremely talented surfer. Her whole life basically revolved around surfing, she loved it more than anything else in the world. Bethany spent most of her time in the water, either practicing or competing. …
1. The consequences of agricultural revolution was a turning point. Civilizations began focusing on making surpluses rather than producing new food and crafts. They became more modern. (pg.20) 2. The archaeological evidence that supports the cultivation, harvesting, storage and processing of cereal grains is since there weren’t any other foodstuff …
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