Dystopia Essays

Dystopian fiction, habitually envisions elements of contemporary society, the issues they hold and how they might perturb or affect the future. Often, dystopian literature highlights political structure and signifies a warning for the current, existing world. A dystopian civilisation is often instigated by a terrible event, for example a natural …
Utopia is the idea of a perfect civilization wherein the beauties of society reign; such as equality, no discrimination, a perfect legal system, law abiding citizens or a law free society due to being crime free and eco friendly etc. On the other hand there is also the idea of …
The book Divergent by Veronica Roth and the short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, has similar and different views on how they want their societies to function. In each of these stories, citizens both support and go against the governments’ expectations. The government in each of these stories has …
The purpose of the speculative voice is to not only to warn people of inhumane trends developing into widely accepted culture but also to make people reconsider the whole idea of a “utopian society”. The idea that a world can be a place of perfect equality between all humans and …
When I read George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, “1984,” I realized it was intended by its author to act as an entertaining suspense-narrative and also as a warning to future generations. The story probes deep ideas related to the influence of tyranny in human society. The motivation for Orwell’s writing of …
George Orwell provides to his readers in 1984 a dystopian look at how totalitarianism can influence the thought, speech, and action of the citizens of the effected state. The underlying theme throughout the text is the effect of Big Brother, from the loss of past language replaced by Newspeak and …
There will always will be a power or a government with a society. Whether it be as small as a group or as large as a country. According to multiple sources, government has been around since the first city-state was created. Just by this source alone we demonstrate how society …
In the book 1984, George Orwell creates an intriguing novel about his predictions of the future using many literary elements. The novel 1984 uses many literary elements to create an image of a dystopian society throughout the book. Orwell uses literary elements like symbolism and allegory throughout the book, helping …
The dystopian film In Time (2011) directed by Andrew Niccol, portrays a world where quite literally time is money. Once you run out of time – you die. Due to scientific advances people stop aging at 25, but after 25 a person is genetically-engineered to live only one more year. …
Dystopias are not as common in the world, as they used to be when technology was not as advanced as it is today. Two good examples of what a Dystopia society would be like is “Animal Farm” by George Orwell and “Wall-E”, the movie created by Disney Pixar motion pictures. …
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