Eyre Essays

In the story of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre is written as a very strong self assured, determined young woman who is rebellious against society. A story that shows against the culturally subversive path of feminine independence. Jane’s life began when she was separated from her family …
Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte in 1847. It was first published as an autobiography under the pseudonym Currer Bell and immediately became a big success. Charlotte Bronte originally had to write her novel under a pseudonym because women were not allowed to publish books at that time as …
In this essay I am going to be comparing the relationship between Jane Eyre and her cousin John Reed. The story is written before 1900 and is a fictional autobiography. Charlotte Bronte uses the fictional character of Jane Eyre to portray herself in parts of the story, especially the similarities …
Religion undeniably plays a critical role and function in the novel Jane Eyre. Religion and the characters it presents are used by Bronte throughout the piece to raise poignant questions regarding moral boundaries, the exact nature of religion as well as the guidelines we importance of such a moral code …
In the pages leading up to Chapter 26 Jane is in a state of emotional turmoil. She has accepted her master’s proposal, although she has shown signs that she is mentally unprepared to be re-christened ‘Mrs. Rochester’. The passage starts just as Jane and Mr. Rochester are arriving at the …
The chapter starts off a little tongue- in-cheek as Jane refers to the fortune-teller as ‘the Sybil’. Jane is thoroughly doubtful of the woman’s powers, and she enters the room thinking that she cannot be fooled, feeling superior and a little smug. Ironically, whilst she feels she is the clever …
The theme of love in Jane Eyre covers both the romantic variety and the type encountered within a family, a sense of belonging, and a desire to be needed. The romantic love portrayed by Bronte through her novel is quite apparent. There is her love for Rochester, which eventually wins …
‘Jane Eyre’ has been described as “no more than a typical romantic novel” but if it is read deeper, qualities unusual in a romantic novel are uncovered. Qualities that are more associated with “gothic novels” of the time. These lead me to believe that ‘Jane Eyre’ was not just “a …
In the novel Jane Eyre Jane stays in many places, and the style of the place shows how good her life is going to be there. Thornfield is very different to the other places she stays at and in this essay I will explain. At the beginning of Chapter Eleven …
Looking at the opening of these books, we can straight away see similarities between Jane and Piggy. The most obvious is that right from the start they are outsiders. They are in different surroundings, but both characters are of a lower class than the people around them. Jane would have …
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