The Color Purple Essays

‘As if Black women did not have enough to contend with; being exploited economically as a worker; being used as a source of cheap labour because she is a female. And being treated even worse because she is black, she also finds herself fighting the beauty ‘standards’ of white western …
The text ‘The Color Purple’, in both the novel by Alice Walker and the film adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg, show Celies, a broken, mistreated girl, developing into an independent, strong woman, despite the physical, emotion and sexual abuse that she faces throughout her life. Each representation of the text …
‘The Color Purple,’ by Alice Walker; a novel in an epistolary form, reveals the story of a young black Georgia girl who faces adulthood believing that she has been raped by her father and that he killed both of their babies. The novel examines her struggle to find love, self-esteem, …
Alice Walker in her novel The Color Purple illustrates a parallel between the gender roles of women in the early 20th century and Black slavery through the life of Celie and her interactions with Albert, as well as with Nettie’s experiences in Africa with the Olinka tribe. Similarities reign with …
In this extract, Nettie is the first person narrator. She is writing to Celie from the Olinka encampment. She describes a lot of the Olinka’s beliefs and attitudes, as well as telling Celie about her relations with Corrine, and the children. She also describes the setting, she tells Celie about …
Religion, ‘a system of ideas and rules for behavior based on supernatural explanations’. The concept of religious belief is one that takes raw faith and packages it in an attempt to standardize something that exists independent of proof or explanation. It can be both wholly fulfilling and entirely destructive to …
“Who do you think you is? he say… Look at you. You black, you pore, you ugly, you a woman. Goddam, he say, you nothing at all.” (187) Alice Walker, the author of The Color Purple, focuses on the struggles of a poor and uneducated African American girl, who is …
The Power of Female Nurturing to Challenge and Change the abuse patriarchy make a person reshape through the Silent of their Voice The Color Purple by Alice Walker portrays a black woman who starts off in the narrative as a powerless object and who later on becomes a woman with …
“The Color Purple” is a very powerful film that tells the story of Celie, a poor black woman living in the old south. The film begins at her childhood and follows her up to old age. She was raped and abused by her father as a young woman and was …
Entry 1 “You better not never tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy.” Alice Walker, the author of The Color Purple, begins her novel with an ambiguous threat. A fairly powerful, yet unexplained, quote begins a very powerful novel. Before opening this book, I had no idea how it …
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