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Books Essays

Book Essay Samples & Examples

Lots of teachers give tasks to their students to prepare an essay about reading. The assignment can refer to the literary analysis of the text or examining the characters of the book. You need to read the task requirements carefully to find out which type of writing you need to use.

Literary analysis is not an easy task because here you need to investigate the text objectively. It is not correct to retell the plot of the book. You just need to examine various themes, motifs, symbols, historical and social background, author’s biography. You don’t have to include your subjective opinion. Don’t forget to include quotes to prove your statements. Also, you have to explain each saying in your own words.

Writing book essays may take lots of time. That is why try our professional service which aims at providing high-quality papers for students. Just fill in the details about your task and wait for the completed article ready for submission.

Women in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe

“Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, portrays the Ibo society of Africa before the arrival of the white man. The novel depicts the Ibo culture and religion while Achebe weaves the Ibo language, myths and ideas into the English world and approach. It familiarizes the reader with the Ibo society …

Implication of the Title a Farewell to Arms

Ernest Hemingway’s choice of title for his novel, A Farewell to Arms, perfects the full meaning of the book. This classic love story shows the typical Romeo and Juliet scenario. Lieutenant Henry, an American ambulance driver for the Italian front, falls head over heels for Catherine Barkley, an English nurse. …

Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist

The Federalist and the Anti-Federalist had very conflicting views on several things; however, they did have some similar views on topics such as on human nature and how it affected government. Other common interest of the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist was the preservation of liberty and government. They both believed …

Animal Farm and the Importance of Education

Animal Farm is educational in many ways. It teaches that it is easy to be influenced if individuals do not take a stand for what they believe in. If the animals had been more educated they could have stopped Napoleon. Because they did not know what their ancestors fought for …

A Tale of Two Cities Redemption

Redemption is real and can be possible in a lot of situations. This is the case in the novel A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens. Throughout the novel, Dickens emphasizes his belief that redemption is a possibility, both on a human level and on the level of …

Lydia and Wickhams Relationship in Pride and Prejudice

Lydia and Wickhams relationship is selfish on both parts, Lydia is so irresponsible, she flirts with everyone and anyone and because there is no restrain on this from her parents, she takes full advantage of it “the most determined flirt that ever made herself and her family ridiculous” meaning she …

An Important Quote from the Great Gatsby

“This isn’t just an epigram–life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all.” (Fitzgerald 4). This Novel is like an exceptionally elongated poem. Poems are usually meant to be taken apart and analyzed because there are many ways to view it. The Great Gatsby is a …

Holden Caulfield Unreliable Narrator

In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, the narrator, Holden Caulfield, is an unreliable narrator. Discuss and analyze the text to support your argument. “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (Salinger 14). JD Salinger’s character Holden Caulfield admits himself that he is unreliable. The …

Friendship Essay (Of Mice and Men and a Seperate Peace)

As portrayed in both stories, Of Mice and Men and A Separate Peace, friendship was undoubtfully the epitome of both plot lines. There was George and Lennie, an odd couple bounded by the ties of “brotherhood and a dream. “‘A guy needs somebody-to be near him.’ He whined, ‘A guy …

Irony in “Hills Like White Elephants” and “a&P”

Denzel Morales Dr. Tomko WRT-201-035 February 6, 2009 Irony in “Hills Like White Elephants” and “A&P” Several authors use irony to strengthen their story or to make a point out to its reader like in the short stories “A&P” which was written by John Updike and “Hills Like White Elephants” …

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