Play Essays

In this essay I will be comparing the three plays I studied. These are ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare, ‘The Crucible’ By Arthur Miller and ‘St Joan’ by Bernard Shaw. In comparison to the three plays, I have found out that they are slightly similar, e.g. they involve witchcraft, supernatural interaction, …
By referring to key scenes, assess how the character of Lady Macbeth is presented in the play. You should compare how Lady Macbeth is characterised in Polanski’s version and in Trevor Nunn’s RSC production of the play. Which version of the original text do you think makes the greater dramatic …
Assess the significance of the following factors in the downfall of Macbeth; the supernatural, Lady Macbeth, and his own ambition. Do you consider him to be a hero or a villain? In this essay I will be discussing and assessing the significance of the three factors which lead to Macbeth’s …
Discuss the characters of the witches, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth with reference to performances and depictions of the roles and the text of the play. The play Macbeth would have been performed around the 1600’s around the time of James I. James I and the people of England (Jacobeans) were …
When Duncan arrives at Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s castle he speaks in a very kind and gentle way it shows that he really likes them and is pleased to be in their company. He feels welcome in their home and feels that there is a friendly atmosphere about the place. …
Macbeth is a complex character who changes dramatically through the course of the play. Discuss the complexities of his character, the changes that take place in him and why they happen. What is your personal response to him? During this course work, I will be saying about how the Thane …
I am going to compare The Lady of Shalott and Mariana. I am going to look at the setting, the weather, the woman herself, the woman’s situation, the hero and the language, of both poems. The Lady of Shalott. The setting. In the setting there are, fields of barley and …
What reaction does Macbeth’s letter produce on Lady Macbeth and how does she assure him that she would take charge of the business? What do you learn about the character of Lady Macbeth from her conversation with Macbeth? In the literature Macbeth, Macbeth was tempted by the prophecies prophesied by …
How does Shakespeare exploit the contemporary interest in witchcraft and the supernatural in Macbeth and what does this theme add to the play’s historical story line? James the First succeeded the English throne in 1603; Macbeth was written between 1603-1606. Undoubtedly, the play was written to compliment James the First …
‘Macbeth’ is full of dramatic contrasts, show how Shakespeare has developed the character of Lady Macbeth in act 1 scene 5, and contrast it to her character in act 5 scene 1. ‘Macbeth’ is a play set in the Scottish highlands. The plot consists of Macbeth’s rise and fall of …
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