Oedipus Rex Essays

Theme of blindness recurred time and again in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. It depicts two types of blindness i.e. physical and intellectual. One is related to physical sight whereas the other, the most pernicious type of blindness, pertains to insight. This theme is incarnated through the characters of Oedipus and …
The identification of Oedipus’ hamartia differs from reader to reader and from critic to critic. Some critics are of the view that excessive arrogance and self-confidence of Oedipus is the main cause of his tragedy. He harbors unjustified suspicions against Tiresias and Creon; in one place he goes so far …
Oedipus Rex and Hamlet are two tragedies with regicide at the centre of their plots. The theme of the first play by Sophocles is subjection of free will to divine design. William Shakespeare’s play is also about the limitation of man in respect to the divine. The latter is however …
Greek authors, when one considers the time period in which they lived, are relatively simple to distinguish from one another, particularly in how they treat Greek myth in relation to the message they aim to convey to their audience. Homer and Sophocles use myth to reflect their different perspectives on …
Have you ever heard the saying ‘’ the truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.’’ Well behind that there is another question, Is it always good to know the truth? Some say the truth will either break or make a person. Would you rather live …
In “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles we see many occasions where a reader or perhaps even a scholar can begin to get confused. However, Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex takes time to look at some of the most debated events throughout the entire book. E.R. Dodd’s transforms Oedipus Rex into a descriptive …
Oedipus Rex vs. Hamlet Compare and contrast of Oedipus and Hamlet. Is Oedipus more a man of action? Or is he more a man driven by whim and sudden, rash decisions? Which character is more selfless? Does Hamlet show any signs of selfish motives in his actions or inactions? Which …
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