A Doll’S House Essays

“A dolls house” was written by Henrik Ibsen and produced by famous actors during the time of the 1800’s; in fact it was the year of 1879 to be precise. It was around this time that many different Social, cultural and historical moments were changing through time, leaving the end …
Setting is used as an immediate representation of the social conventions imposed on the central female characters. In A Doll’s House, Ibsen presents the appearance of cosy bourgeois family life through the ‘comfortably and tastefully, but not expensively furnished’ setting. This is further exemplified through the Christmas tree; a festive …
Both Henrik Ibsen and Thomas Hardy were groundbreaking authors in the Victorian era, portraying female protagonists as becoming materially and emotionally independent from their male partners. Their depictions of the breakdown of a marriage in their respective works were controversial at the time of publication, but highlight the hypocrisy of …
Several years ago, men had little respect for women because of their gender. Females were not given the rights they deserve. They were controlled by their fathers, then handed straight over to their husbands. Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion have occurrences that show similarities between the …
What is self-sacrifice? It is to sacrifice everything you care about to go be who you actually are. The protagonist in A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen, Nora Helmer, not only sacrifices herself, but also her family. Nora sacrifices the security and comfort of her home, while also giving …
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