Play Essays

In my essay, I will discuss how tension is created in the play, and its effects on the audience and the characters throughout the play. John Boynton Priestly wrote “An Inspector Calls” in the space of one week near the end of world war two. He wrote this play because …
John Boynton Priestly was born in Bradford on the 13th of September 1894. He grew up in his fathers group of socialist friends; he became a socialist, and uses the characters of the Inspector, Eric and Sheila Birling to highlight his views in this play. The play is set in …
Macbeth an lady Macbeth are two very different characters, and put together they make the powerful but tragic story of Macbeth full of bravery, beauty guilt and betrayal. Macbeth, at the beginning of the play is already successful having killed Macdonald and sliced him “from the nave to the chops” …
In Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet becomes isolated. Explore how this isolation occurs and how it contributes to the tragedy of the play. Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare in 1595. “If all else fail, myself have the power to die” is …
William Shakespeare wrote the story of Macbeth in roughly 1603. The play is set in Scotland during the 1200’s. The main storyline is about a Thane of Scotland who makes his prophecies come true by evil sins in attempt to become greater. It is one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies: a …
A person’s conscience is affected by their surroundings, what they experience, what people tell them and their environment in which they live. Macbeth is set in a time where war is going on and things of a gothic nature happen often throughout the country. In the 1600s, as James I …
There is a lot of evil in the play of ‘Macbeth’ and I feel that Macbeth himself is responsible for this. At the beginning of the play we meet our first possible source of evil ‘the witches’. When we first meet them much drama is added by the effects of …
How is your understanding of the banqueting scene (Act III Scene 4) enhanced by the knowledge about the play’s Jacobean context? Macbeth is very much a play of its time but it is still relevant today. It was written in the very early years of King James I. Macbeth is …
While composing this work, Shakespeare was aware that its content would have to satisfy the newly crowned king, James 1. Therefore the play includes many scenes and characters with the king in mind. Most obvious being the theme of kingship and what makes a good king. He involves the idea …
The images of darkness and disease in Macbeth are very important in creating the atmosphere and mood of the play. Shakespeare uses verbal imagery as well as the physical images acted out in the play to affect the audience; these effects were enhanced by the fact that Macbeth was first …
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