Play Essays

“Macbeth” was a play written by William Shakespeare, written in the early part of King James I of England and VI of Scotland. “Macbeth” is a play about a captain the Scottish Army, who usurps the throne. Shakespeare wrote this play for King James, therefore making one of the main …
The character of Lady Macbeth is very unlike the Lady Macbeth of historical reality. First of all, her name was not Lady Macbeth; it was Queen Gruoch of Scotland. Secondly, Queen Gruoch had a legitimate claim to the throne, unlike Lady Macbeth who had to plot with Macbeth to murder …
After watching Desmond Davis’ production of the play ‘An Inspector Calls’, my understanding of the script and the under-lying meanings of the play have been considerably enhanced. ‘An Inspector Calls’ is a play about a girl named Eva Smith. At the very beginning of the story we learn that Eva …
An Inspector Calls is a well-made play. The well-made play was invented by Eugene Scribe from 1791-1861. The features of a well-made play are exposition, Entrances and Exits, the ‘Obligatory Scene’, The Climatic Curtain, Mistaken identity, Plot and the Denouement and an Inspector Calls fulfils the criteria. The Play is …
Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part One explores the various and contrasting interpretations of the three main protagonists’ attitudes concerning honour, duty and the struggle between being responsible or living a life of self-indulgence. The play extempore is set in the Boar’s Head Tavern, which is the frequent meeting place for Hal, …
‘Hamlet Prince of Denmark’ is one of Shakespeare’s more popular tragedies. The narrative is famous for its soliloquies, the use of fantasy, immorality, deception and desperate attempts of redemption. Hamlet is an intriguing story of treachery, incarnations and prevalent themes that all contribute to a satisfying play. The development of …
In Scene three of the Glass Menagerie hate, anger and envy are all presented not only through the characters, (in what they say and in what they do,) but also by the set and by the argument between Amanda and Tom which is the main feature of the scene. However …
Hamlet’s soliloquy in Act II, Scene i is governed by reasons and self-doubts unlike his two previous soliloquies which are governed by frenzied emotion. Not yet convinced of the truth in ghost and murderer, Hamlet vacillates over choices which has different results. Shakespeare depicts Hamlet’s problems of choosing right action …
Hamlet’s soliloquies are a direct insight into his thoughts; they give us a greater understanding of his mental state and his motives, Shakespeare uses them to great effect by giving the audience a direct connection with Hamlet and thereby heightening our awareness of his growing unease and inner torment. Hamlet’s …
Amanda Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie is an example of the woman who is vacillating between illusion and reality. She is obsessed with the past and its memories. This obsession leads her to recall her past days to stand as a shelter from the harsh reality that surrounds her. She …
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