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Learning Essays

Learning Essay Samples & Examples

With the development of technologies, education changes day by day. Types of learning methods can be a good topic for your essay. You can write about modern schools, top universities, Ivy Leagues, e-learning, personal learning strategies, pedagogical novelties, and teaching methodology. You can do research and use the materials in books or online. Just don’t forget to mention all the references in the works cited page.

Learning essays are usually written in the informative style. You have to include the theory by citing credible sources. Also, it is good if you avoid using direct quotes. It is more efficient to paraphrase because this won’t be counted as plagiarism by online checkers.

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Effects of Modernized Gadgets to the Students of CCSPC

Laboratory high school is identified as one of the users of modernized gadgets cause by modernization of the world. The present status of the school needs prompt guidance of their parents or teachers, self-controlled, and implementation of rules and regulations for the usage of modernized gadgets for their protections and …

A Distinguished Professor

University of Pittsburgh provides a prototype of the characteristics of a distinguished professor. It says, “Such a designation recognizes extraordinary, internationally-recognized, scholarly attainment in an individual discipline or field. The basic performance criteria and expectations for discipline- or field-based…By nature of their appointment as Distinguished Professors, these individuals are expected …

Staffing Project Plan

Job Analysis for each Position             The first step will be to determine what the responsibilities of the required of the positions. In order to recruit the right and best qualified individual, a job analysis will be done and the staff recruited based on if they meet the requirements. Job …

Dissertation Research Paper

Based on the reflection of the development of Multinational Corporations (MNC), this Dissertation first discusses the new characteristics, strategies and ideas of MNC in the background of economic globalisation. Then, it elaborates the motives of MNCs’ investment on China in light of theories of MNC. By means of wide investigation …

Constraints Limiting the Emancipatory Potential of the Internet

The history and development of information and communication technology (ICT), which covers the Internet and the Web, has gone through millions of steps since computers were first introduced to humankind in the 1940s. The evolution of computing and digital information dissemination opened many avenues of human studies, and the fields …

Determinants of Trade Policy Preferences

What are Trade, International Trade and Trade Policy?                         Trade is an exchange of goods. Before man came up the concept of money, people used barter. Now we have money to value things and so we can trade based on monetary value. Trade happens at all levels, from goods being …

Scope of Consumer Behavior Study

Question one             The study of consumer behavior involves the knowledge of when, how, why and where consumers buy products or services and why not if they don’t buy them. It involves various fields of study chief among them being economics. Other fields include psychology, anthropology, social psychology and sociology. …

Complex Projects and Managing Project Complexity

Introduction Research shows that complex project performance is widespread with significantly challenged and failed projects. It is not secrete that conventional project management processes do not adequately address the management of complex projects. This has been found to be true for practically all types of projects. Complex projects are seen …

Empowerment Model

People are the most important asset of any organization. That is why more and more companies are now empowering their employees for a competitive advantage. In today’s business, empowerment is the core concept of new management to improve productivity and achieve goals. Empowerment is the process of enhancing employees’ capabilities …

The Effectiveness of E-learning in a Nursing Training Program: A Research Proposal

Introduction E-learning has been an important training and devel­opment tool over the last 5 years. More organizations are combin­ing it with classroom instruction to specialize content to meet the individual needs of students. Clinical simula­tions, virtual reality applications, and multimedia course work are becoming components of the mix. But education …

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