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Empowerment Model

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People are the most important asset of any organization. That is why more and more companies are now empowering their employees for a competitive advantage. In today’s business, empowerment is the core concept of new management to improve productivity and achieve goals. Empowerment is the process of enhancing employees’ capabilities and talents, bringing out their best performance, and maximizing their potentials. Empowered employees gain control of their work, develop greater self-esteem, build enthusiasm for the job, and more likely to meet desired results. This practice sharpens the collective abilities of employees for a successful teamwork and for managers to have a broad-based thinking and visioning.

One of the most effective models of empowerment is based on the theory of David Gershon and Gail Straub, which is a comprehensive approach for positive change. This is the Coaching Model, where management assists workers become the best of who they are in the most effective they can be. Primarily coaching is a means of providing support in enhancing the expertise and creativity of individuals so he/she could focus, learn and innovate. In application, I will arrange a series of coaching sessions with employees asking effective question, listen to them attentively, observe, and provide constructive feedbacks.

I will help them pinpoint and define their specific goals and then assist in organizing themselves to reach those goals. I will monitor their attitudes making sure that their aims are real and their actions match to what they hope to accomplish. In addition, I will study their particular skills to better assist and improve their abilities.

In this way, I can identify problems or weaknesses that are needed to be addressed through challenging exercises and trainings at the same time take advantage of the talents and build strengths for better opportunities. Coaching delivers achievement (delivery of results) and fulfillment (learning and development) to employees.


Kotelnikov, V. (2006). Effective Coaching. Ten3 Business E-Coach. Retrieve July 18, 2006, from http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/crosscuttings/coaching_main.html

Hearn, W. (2006). Effective Managers Need To Coach. Management Coaching. Retrieve July 18, 2006, from http://www.business-personal-coaching.com/Management-Coaching.html

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