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Books Essays

Book Essay Samples & Examples

Lots of teachers give tasks to their students to prepare an essay about reading. The assignment can refer to the literary analysis of the text or examining the characters of the book. You need to read the task requirements carefully to find out which type of writing you need to use.

Literary analysis is not an easy task because here you need to investigate the text objectively. It is not correct to retell the plot of the book. You just need to examine various themes, motifs, symbols, historical and social background, author’s biography. You don’t have to include your subjective opinion. Don’t forget to include quotes to prove your statements. Also, you have to explain each saying in your own words.

Writing book essays may take lots of time. That is why try our professional service which aims at providing high-quality papers for students. Just fill in the details about your task and wait for the completed article ready for submission.

Comparison of Antigone and Creons leadership

The story of Antigone is full of issues regarding leadership and the conflict surrounding these issues. Creon decisions and choices were influenced by his inexperience in leadership. His forceful style leads him straight to disaster which results in losing his son and wife. This disaster was a direct result of …

Comparison of Hrothgar and Beowulf as Kings

What makes a “well loved lord” (20), an “honored prince” (88) or a “leader beloved” (1827)? Cultures as well as individuals have differed in their definitions of a successful king for generations. The epic poem Beowulf introduces two kings: Beowulf, the protagonist of the story, the famed hero who slays …

Church in the Prologue to the Canterbury tales

Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales in the 14th Century. At the time the church had a very high status, and was very powerful. People went on long pilgrimages to visit holy places. The Canterbury tales is about a group of pilgrims who each told stories on their pilgrimage to Canterbury. …

Character analysis of Reverend Parris from the novel "The Crucible"

If it were not for the self-seeking nature present in Salem, the infamous witch trials of 1692 would not have taken place. Most villagers were interested in themselves and none other. One such character is Reverend Parris from the historical play The Crucible, which concerns these Salem witch trials. He …

Beowulf and Sir Gawain's Heroism, as a Literary Archetype

In examination of literature, one may notice many different and reoccurring archetypes that give shape to many of our favorite characters in history and the present. These archetypes often follow patterns of similarity, but can be most interesting because of their variances. One of the most prevalent archetypes in literature, …

"Araby" by James Joyce

As humans grow they pass through various stages of development, often some stages are never reached, when a new stage is successfully reached the person has under gone some sort of initiation. James Joyce’s short story “Araby” is in simple terms about initiation, it is a story is about a …

John Hammond as portrayed in the film and the book

Many times in literature, a character may remind the reader of a character of another work of literature or someone famous. When this piece of literature is translated to a film, the character’s representation may change entirely. A wonderful example of this representation is Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. In this …

American Romanticism in Last of Mohicans

The movie version of Last of the Mohicans is a cinematic masterpiece. The movie does not follow the story very heavily, but it really explores the landscapes of the frontier and has detailed costumes and set design in the recreation of the period. Michael Mann goes to great pains to …

Things fall apart : the role of men and women

Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart explores the struggle between old traditions within the Igbo community as well as Christianity and “the second coming” it brings forth. While on the surface, it appears the novel narrows its’ focus to a single character, Okonkno and his inner battles, one can read deeper …

The Symbolism of The House on Mango Street

In The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros addresses and develops the themes of assimilation of the Chicano into American society, stereotypes, and the treatment of the Chicana within her culture. These themes are brought out through the experiences of Esperanza, a young Chicana character. The American society has tried …

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