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Books Essays

Book Essay Samples & Examples

Lots of teachers give tasks to their students to prepare an essay about reading. The assignment can refer to the literary analysis of the text or examining the characters of the book. You need to read the task requirements carefully to find out which type of writing you need to use.

Literary analysis is not an easy task because here you need to investigate the text objectively. It is not correct to retell the plot of the book. You just need to examine various themes, motifs, symbols, historical and social background, author’s biography. You don’t have to include your subjective opinion. Don’t forget to include quotes to prove your statements. Also, you have to explain each saying in your own words.

Writing book essays may take lots of time. That is why try our professional service which aims at providing high-quality papers for students. Just fill in the details about your task and wait for the completed article ready for submission.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing in Herman Melville's Moby Dick

“Do human beings have free will or free choice and if not who or what shapes human destiny?” (McSweeney 9) Herman Melville utilizes Father Mapple’s sermon in his nineteenth century epic novel Moby Dick, to illustrate the duality of mankind. Mortal man pursues his own singular interests with selfish intent; …

"The Scarlet Letter" by Hawthorne

Recurring events show great significance and elucidate the truth beneath appearances. In The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne chooses the scaffold scenes to show powerful differences and similarities. Each scaffold scene foreshadows the next and brings greater understanding of the novel. By beginning with the first, continuing with the middle, and …

The Main Turning Point of 'Lord of The Flies'

Lord of the flies is a book in which a massive transformation occurs. A transformation from refinement to savagery. This happens for many reasons but there is one main event which turns everything wrong. That is the first “sighting” of the beast is made. Samneric where sleeping by the fire. …

To Kill a Mockingbird Critical

The Mockingbird has a very deep and powerful meaning in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. In general, it represents peacefulness, innocence and kindness. Characters such as Boo Radely can be compared to the mockingbird in the title of the novel. Tom Robinson can also be compared to the mockingbird. …

Holden Caulfield - The Catcher In The Rye

J.D. Salinger gives Holden a realistic voice and perspective that the reader can identify with. We are able to understand how Holden has come to view this world of his through his past experiences and reactions to life’s situations. He is a very unique character that doesn’t exactly fit into …

Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451 And His Duality

Guy Montag, the main character in Fahrenheit 451, goes through a huge change. He starts out to be a fireman; someone who burns banned books (a book that is illegal to have or read because it is thought to be “inappropriate” by some group or organization, or the like). In …

Nationalism, Industrialism, Colonialism, Imperialism and Communism

Nationalism is a political philosophy holding that the welfare of the nation-state is paramount, and attitude often strengthened when people share a common history, religion, language, or ethnic background. The term also refers to a group state of mind in which patriotism, or loyalty to one’s country, is regarded as …

The Failure of the Gilded Age

The lowest point in American politics is considered to be by many the Gilded Age. In this time period, America was in an industrial growth and had to make sure that the laissez – faire type government did not hinder its success. To contribute to having the government not intervenes …

Analyzing Anne Bradstreet's The Author to Her Book

Anne Bradstreet’s The Author to Her Book describes the complex attitude of the author – specifically the attitude of an author towards her work. Through use of a controlling metaphor, that of a child, Bradstreet manages to convey all of her feelings towards one of her works. In order to …

Bruno Bettelheim's and Karen Kolbenschlag's interpretation of "Cinderella"

As is well known, the famous storytale “Cinderella” has many variants across cultures and time periods. These variants have been found to have the same general plot, which is characterized by the persecuted heroine, the meeting with the prince, the revealing of an inner identity, and marriage with the prince. …

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