Play Essays

‘An Inspector Calls’ is a play written in 1945 by an English dramatist J.B Priestley after World War II, which he was greatly influenced by. He was attempting to encourage his audience to change and become a better person in society. In An Inspector Calls, the central theme is responsibility. …
The upbringing of a son by his mother establishes one of the most prominent relationships in a household. However, a household that once may have been maintained through this relationship could be torn apart if the son still holds strong affections for his mother as he matures. This introduces the …
One day, twelve year old Alan Parrish was riding down the main street when he hears “Prepare to die, Parrish! ”, he starts riding much faster, as Billy Jessup and four of his other friends started to chase after him. Alan heads for his father’s shoe factory. He jumps of …
Roger Federer, a Swiss professional tennis player and victor of 18 Grand Slam singles titles, which is the name for the largest tournaments in tennis, is an inspiration for many players throughout the world including myself because of his journey to become the world No.1 and his ability to overcome …
Romeo and Juliet Chelsea Stewart Discuss the relationships between parents and children in Romeo and Juliet. How do Romeo and Juliet interact with their parents? Are they rebellious, in a modern sense? How do their parents feel about them? “Romeo and Juliet”, written by William Shakespeare in 1593, is widely …
Act 1 scene 1 of Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ opens with the three unnatural beings of the play, the witches. The opening of Shakespeare’s play is set on a baron heath quiet and deserted the perfect place for weird happenings especially with the claps of thunder in the background. This omits …
Today we know more about Shakespeare than any other play writers of his time because of his mastering of English literature. However, today it is true to say that we have no record of what Shakespeare actually looked like. William Shakespeare was born in Snitterfield, a small town in Stratford …
As part of our GCSE coursework, we have been asked to study various productions and write an essay showing how different effects create different atmospheres and responses and we have to decide whether these productions have been successful or otherwise. I have chosen to analyse initial scene, Act (I), scene …
The “Playboy of the Western World” was written in 1907, and set in Ireland. At this time, Ireland was still suffering tragically from the potato famine that had hit the country in 1848. In order to escape the famine, many emigrated to the world powers of the time, mainly Britain …
The story of Romeo and Juliet originated as a play, written by William Shakespeare in Elizabethan England. A reasonably well-known movie director, Baz Luhrmann decided to take on the challenge of making a contemporary version of the play and to try and answer the question, “if Shakespeare were alive today, …
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