Play Essays

Shakespeare’s play, “The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, is perhaps the most famous love story ever told, and is in turn one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. The title, “Romeo and Juliet”, has become synonymous with the idea of ‘intense romance’ or ‘tragedy’. The story it tells almost epitomizes these …
From the opening scene of the play, the ghost of Hamlet the King of Denmark is a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Only appearing in the dead of night, and moving “like a guilty thing”, it’s intentions remain uncertain until Act 1 Scene 5. Despite giving it’s reasons for …
Macbeth in my opinion is portrayed as a victim in many ways. He can be seen as a victim of His own ambition, and as a target for evil of the Weird Sister’s. But was Lady Macbeth a factor in pressuring Macbeth into the decisions he made? The play opens …
In this essay I will compare three film versions of the ghost scene from Shakespeare’s play, ‘Hamlet’. They are; Mel Gibson version made in 1990, Kenneth Branagh’s version produced in 1996 and Ethan Hawke’s version from 2001. In my opinion the Mel Gibson version has the best interpretation of the …
The storyline develops each time the witches appear, but it’s never for a good cause. Every time the witches arise there is a change in the play, for instance; appearing in bad weather such as, thunder, lightning and rain clearly indicates that they have evil thoughts within them. The audience …
Introduction The play chosen for discussion is Educating Rita by Willy Russell. Educating Rita is a comedy play and its story is about how a working person tried to fulfil her personal aims in gaining education to make her life better. She had to deal with ups and down coming …
The play Macbeth portrays the message that the quality of one’s actions and the purity of their choices are reflected by the quality of their life. By analyzing the life of Macbeth and the characters involved in the play, one can easily see that the play teaches us that life …
Adapted from Susan Glaspell’s popular one-act play, Trifles (1920), “A Jury of Her Peers” is about sisterhood. Women’s roles as wives, mothers, and homemakers do not make them totally passive, unintelligent, or subordinate to men. Mrs. Peters, for example, being small, thin, and soft-spoken, did not strike Martha Hale as …
Discuss three characters who are responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths Romeo and Juliet is a young couples play about love and hate . The continual feud between the Montague and Capulet families result in a ongoing conflict and end with the death of Romeo and Juliet . William Shakespeare …
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