Play Essays

In William Shakespeare’s play “Othello”, we learn about the dramatic contribution of the antagonistic character Iago, who through his manipulative and hypocritical qualities satisfied his insatiable desire for revenge, and showed his constant deception of the entire cast. Iago is incredibly manipulative. He seems to be aware of how those …
Is Ambition the key to power? The classic Shakespearean play “Macbeth” resonates many themes and concepts that relate to modern times. Today, readers will be able to relate concepts, such as ‘Ambition’ which is still represented in some of today’s most famous and important people. One of these people is …
Hamlet: “When our deep plots do palls; and that should learn us. There is a divinity that shapes our ends. Rough-hew them how we will-” (V, 2, 9-11) There are doubts to divinity as Hamlet explores this idea. During the play, Prince Hamlet often questions his existence. In one of …
In William Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, a tragedy written 1606, Shakespeare brings to attention the complex intellect between the ideas that man must face in making decisions. This play takes place in eleventh century Scotland. Macbeth, a once noble and loyal soldier turns to evil ways for things he desires such as …
We are gathered here to day not to mourn, but to celebrate the life of a great man, who stood out in society not just because fo his position as a king but because he was a loving father, strong leader, and loyal friend. The tremendous respect that I and …
‘True West’ portrays the downfall of the promised American dream; Sam Shepard demonstrates the binary oppositions between the characters of Austin and Lee – the domesticated American and the feral American. ‘True West’ exhibits the need for something “authentic” in a world that has forgotten its true meaning. The characters …
Grover’s Corners is a small town in New Hampshire that shares many characteristics with Lewistown. Not only does it share characteristics of a physical nature, the people of these towns also share attitudes and philosophies towards living and dying. Some of the physical features these towns share are many churches, …
We all have goals and dreams we want to accomplish. But the pursuit of a dream based on false illusions will ultimately lead to tragedy. This is true in Arthur Miller’s play, “Death of a Salesman”, and in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”. In both works, the main …
In the play “Macbeth”, Shakespeare illustrates the evil temptations created by the lust for power. Shakespeare uses characters such as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to show the corruption caused by the desire for more supremacy. Macbeth, being a Scottish General and the Thane of Glamis, is superior to almost everyone …
Macbeth involves 3 witches who make prophecies for Macbeth about taking the throne. Ambition and desire drive Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan. Later Banquo is killed due to Macbeths greed for the throne and jealousy of it being taken away and Lady Macbeth appears to go mad …
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