Play Essays

J.B. Priestley was born at the end of the 19th century; in 1894. At this time, Britain and Europe had a very class conscious society. Britain was highly industrialised and governed by right wing parties either the Whigs or the Liberals. Most of the royal families of Europe were inter-related …
Conflicts in “Merchant of Venice” occur as a result of four major life themes: love, money, prejudice and disguise. Shylock, the Jewish moneylender is usually, and somewhat unjustly, held responsible for many of these conflicts. Though Shylock’s behaviour is, in many ways, evil,and should by no means be exonerated, the …
Both Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” and Tennessee Williams’ “Streetcar Named Desire” extract has two characters in each scene. One of them is usually one of the main characters of the stories: Mr. Proctor in the Crucible extract and Blanche DuBois from the scene of Streetcar Named Desire. Both of them …
William Shakespeare based his play “Othello” on a story called “Hecatommithi” by Giraldi Cinthio’s. This was a collection of a hundred tales that was printed in Italy in the sixteenth century. It is thought that Shakespeare read the original Italian version and got inspired to write his own. In writing …
One of the most vibrant, deep, and sagacious screenplays of the 21st century is Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible.” Miller brilliantly comments on human morals, authority, and mass hysteria. He parallels the events of Salem in 1600’s to the blacklisting and the discrimination against those who were labeled as a “communist” …
In the play “Hamlet”, there are many recurring themes. One of the central themes of the play is attaining salvation, a goal which many of the characters hope to achieve. The after life and the hopes of being accepted into heaven were of utmost importance to the people of Hamlet’s …
Few Shakespearean plays have caused the controversy that is found at the ending scenes of the tragic playKing Lear. Every human death for people, who witness it, is an image of our own promised end. “Is this the promised end” asks Albany at the end of King Lear. “Or image …
The mediaval English drama Everyman is an example of a morality play and a naïve allegory. The plays show the reckoning and judgement of the sinful main character, Everyman. Death is sent to him by God and he faces the task of a journey to save his immortal soul. The …
Why does one have to go to school for at least twelve years? It is said that this is because education is what places one in society. Society tells us that education shows the people surrounding how one should be treated by their actions, which can be created by the …
The characters of “Okonkwo” and “King Lear” have similar downfalls and delusions. Both of them start out in a position of supreme authority, and are reduced to the level of a common peasant by the end of the story. The main factor that brings about their expeditious downfall is the …
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