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Learning Essays

Learning Essay Samples & Examples

With the development of technologies, education changes day by day. Types of learning methods can be a good topic for your essay. You can write about modern schools, top universities, Ivy Leagues, e-learning, personal learning strategies, pedagogical novelties, and teaching methodology. You can do research and use the materials in books or online. Just don’t forget to mention all the references in the works cited page.

Learning essays are usually written in the informative style. You have to include the theory by citing credible sources. Also, it is good if you avoid using direct quotes. It is more efficient to paraphrase because this won’t be counted as plagiarism by online checkers.

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Social Research

     It is of best interest that we conduct a form of study methods which will allow us to gather some more details about our research procedures. In line with this, I would like to provide you some details on how we can gather data both from qualitative and quantitative …

Problem-Solving Case

When most people think of problem-solving they think of math problems, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. People solve problems everyday without preparation, without a plan, and usually with good results. For example, which route a person takes to work or school. Most of people have several …

Second Grade Curriculum Development Analysis

Introduction Second grade is one of the foundation years in a child education whether they are taught at home or sent to a conventional school. In the second grade the curiosity of the child is developed as well as the ability to understand complex phenomena. These are the early years …

Studying Away From Home

            I leaned so many valuable lessons while attending a boarding school in Switzerland and while attending classes in the United States. I gained a vast amount of knowledge which I will be able to use for the rest of my life. There were many important issues that I had …

Transfer of Learning

Instructional theory focuses on how to structure learning materials in order to allow for easy understanding of concepts. It encourages the use of interactive, cooperative and participatory teaching strategies that ensure active involvement of students. Learning theory, on the other hand, attempts to describe and explain how people learn; it …

Teachers Speak Out on Assessment Practices

The No Child Left Behind law which came into being in 2002 and the difficulties it caused for teachers sparked these authors to embark on this investigation. The emphasis on testing has led teachers to teach more towards passing tests than for general learning. The effects on teacher preparation and …

Learning Organizational Environment

Which paradigm best describes your current learning organizational environment? Why? Provide an example. Since the advent of the information age, the use of technology, especially computers and the internet, have caused widespread changes in methods of teaching and learning. The Internet has made a substantial difference to the scope of …

2 Year College vs. 4 Year College

            As the world we live in becomes more technologically advanced, and the pace of business and industry grows ever faster, the competition to earn a living is greater than it has ever been, and of course, the key to a rewarding career may include a college degree.  With this …

20 Something essays by 20 something writers

Different generations have been branded differently. We have the Baby Boomers who are now the dads and moms and even grandparents of society. They were followed by the GenXers characterized by grunge, angst and rebellion. The generation that followed the GenXers is now grownup. No fixed generational term has been …

Virtual Astronomy Lab Report

Lab 1 – Measurement and Unit Conversion 1a. Distance in cm from the beginning to ending point: 13.5 cm 1b. Number Right Tries: 5 Number Wrong Tries: cm x (30 miles/1 cm) x (1 gallon/15 miles) x (2 dollars/1 gallon) = 4 dollars 2a. Length of Cepheid cycle in centimeters …

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