Play Essays

Iago has convinced Othello that his wife, Desdemona is cheating on Othello with Cassio. This has left Othello contemplating over Desdemona’s faithfulness. At first Othello did not believe a word Iago said about Desdemona, but as soon as there was the slightest amount of evidence. Othello started believing and eating …
Symbolism is an invaluable literary tool that may be employed by authors or playwrights to aid in the development of characters or to display themes in novels and plays. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism heavily in his text “The Great Gatsby”, as does Tennessee Williams in “The Glass Menagerie”. Various …
“A Streetcar Named Desire” is a movie, based on a play, of two opposites, Blanche and Stanley. Blanche is the sister of Stanley’s wife. The most obvious difference between Blanche and Stanley is one of social background. Whereas Blanche comes from an old Southern family and was raised to see …
The Shakespearean Sonnet in “Romeo and Juliet” Shakespeare uses sonnets to express his feelings, expressions, and emotions regarding romance and tragedy, the main themes of his “Romeo and Juliet.” Over the centuries sonnets have been considered as high forms of literature, which have been extensively used by many authors and …
The reign of James I was the time of disillusionment and pessimism. The English expected stability and security from the new king and felt let down when he appeared to be less of a man than his predecessor, Elizabeth I, was. Even though James I despised war he thought himself …
In the beginning of the play Romeo appears to be somewhat pretentious. He speaks dramatically of his “love” for Rosaline which, in fact, is probably not love at all. He speaks in rhyming couplets which makes his words sound insincere and rehearsed. He over dramatises the situation while talking to …
Honor is a type of love for oneself. However, sometimes love can kill and inflict hatred for others. When one values their honor too highly it may lead to disasters and tragedies. In the play “Romeo and Juliet” the conflicts between the house of Montagues and the house of Capulets …
Have you ever thought about the power of destiny that determines the events in your life? “Holes” by Louis Sachar is a story of Stanley Yelnats, who happened to be under a curse that was caused by his great-great-grandfather. As the story unfolds, we learn that the curse leads to …
This poem struck me with its vivid description of the hard life that people during the Depression suffered. This is not just a story of the burial of a child. This is a window into the hardships of a generation of people. The landscape is drawn as a harsh, barren …
Badminton is not for the faint of heart with shuttlecocks reaching speeds of up to 206 mph, players must employ courage, speed, and amazing eye-hand coordination to be successful in this game. Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players known as singles or an opposing pair …
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