Play Essays

Jack Davis’ revolutionary play No Sugar challenges the perception that colonisation is an acceptable part of Australian history. He utilizes drama as a powerful medium to successfully engage the audience and make them reflect upon what is being presented. Here Davis can effectively initiate an attitudinal change towards the situation …
An example of two different movies that have the same title, contain a scene that is essentially getting the same message across, but differ so much in the depiction of two scenes, would be hamlet. In 1990, Mel Gibson and Paul Scofield played the role of prince hamlet, and the …
As one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies, the story of King Lear reflects the two extremes of human nature–love and loyalty, lies and betrayal. In such a complex world, Shakespeare ironically contrasts the physical qualities to the deeper meanings of blindness and sight throughout the tragic lives of the King …
Literature is full of characters who go through mental torture at the hands of an individual or at the hands of the society. As a result, they become “neurotic.” Some of these characters are those that have stood by the test of time and are remembered even today by readers …
William Shakespeares epic play Romeo and Juliet is considered by many to be historys greatest love story. It takes two star-crossed lovers and places their emotions against all odds and most certainly against much hate and violence. Romeo and Juliets love is obstructed by a long-standing blood feud between the …
To go to far is as bad as to fall short. Confucius. Everything should be done in moderation and there should be a healthy equilibrium in all situations and aspects of life. Something taken too far is the equal to something not taken far enough; both concepts are flawed and …
The given circumstances of Tartuffe are few, yet they are essential to the reading of the script. The time of Tartuffe is displayed through several ways: while no specific time is ever mentioned, we know that the play takes place sometime after 1640 because the currency mentioned (the Louis) was …
In the walk of life, ambition is the path to success; and persistence, the substance of ignition required to propel it. When harnessed with unmitigated precision, ambition is a force which can alone endow one with the jewels of life. However, if overmastered by ambition, it is not but a …
William Shakespeare, an English playwright, often started his plays with powerful scenes and mood-setting action. Act 1 of ‘Macbeth’ is no exception to the traditional important and exciting Shakespearean introductions. Shakespeare wrote ‘Macbeth’ as a tribute to King James, the new monarch of England at the time. This was for …
Baz Luhrmann’s film Romeo and Juliet includes everything Shakespeare intended in his play: hate, violence, and a forbidden love leading to tragic suicide. Luhrmann has cleverly taken the play and enacted it in a way that includes all the main elements of Shakespeare’s version of the story, combined with the …
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