Play Essays

‘The Merchant of Venice’ is much more than just a play about money lending. The most evident theme of money lending binds together the many other themes that run strongly throughout this play by William Shakespeare. Whichever is the main theme is open to the audience’s interpretations. In the Elizabethan …
To tackle this question we must first establish a definition of ‘racist’. If we are arguing whether the play is racist simply as an entity, then by our 21st century standards the answer is certainly yes. For example, Portia discriminates against the Prince of Morocco solely for his skin colour, …
The theme of love plays a very important role within the play. The different characters show different types of love and respect for each other, but all the love in the play is not necessary true love, due to Oberon’s love potion. The main type of love is romantic love, …
In a novel, one element which -nearly- everyone enjoys is that of mystery. Being presented with something of a mysterious nature often entices the reader into thought over a certain aspect of the novel; the reader’s intrigue and excitement growing as the mystery develops and eventually culminates into resolution. Although, …
Shakespeare uses a number of methods and themes to illustrate the atmosphere in this play. He uses the methods and themes to make the play more effective and motivating. The themes that he used are as followed: Love Love plays a major part in the play Romeo and Juliet. Throughout …
The task that I have been set is to explore the portrayal of Macbeth within Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ commenting on how the audience responds to him. To fully understand the nature of Macbeth you have to understand the times in which Shakespeare wrote the play. Macbeth was written in 1606, …
The audience first meets Lady MacBeth at home in the MacBeths castle. She is reading a letter that has been sent to her by MacBeth. It tells her of some witches prophecy to him – the prophecy that one day she and her husband would become King and queen of …
‘Macbeth’ is a classical tragedy which plots the fall and death of a once great man. Probably composed in late 1606 or early 1607, “Macbeth” is the last of Shakespeares four great tragedies, the others being “Hamlet”, “King Lear” and “Othello”. It is a relatively short play, and is considered …
Paying particular attention to Shakespeare’s use of dramatic devices, compare the murder scenes of Duncan, Banquo and the Macduff family. ‘Macbeth’ is a classical tragedy, which follows the rise and fall of a once great man. Shakespeare’s tragedy is about Macbeth’s bloody rise to power, including the murder of the …
I am very sorry for my unexpected absence. Not to worry, hopefully I’ll be back on Monday ready to see your work. As you know, Act two, Scene 2, is a really important part of this play. I hope you can portray this with that importance. I have left clear …
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