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Literature Essays

While studying, students are obliged to read lots of books which are related to their major. Some of those texts are technological while others are more related to novels. Depending on the specifications of tasks, literature essays may have different structure and outline. However, there is one rule which can be applied to such tasks. Literature examples should not retell the plot like a summary but analyze the content from a scientific aspect. It is of the paramount importance to pay attention to investigating the chosen topic of a book. A writer can select specific themes, symbols, chapters or other features which help readers to understand the meaning more deeply.

By showing the target audience that there is some hidden information which can be read between the lines, a writer shows that it is a scientifically critical essay and not a simple retelling of the main events. It is true that for preparing such an academic piece of writing you need to spend lots of time on examining the literature. That is why you can order your ideal essay here by explaining your assignment to our customer support service representatives.

Sample Outline for a Book Review

Introductory Paragraph Identify the title, the author, and the publisher of the book. Summarize the main idea/theme of the book you are reviewing in one or two sentences. Write your thesis (what you think of the book). Example: I loved the book but I had some problems with it. Example: …

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World

For many people, today’s digital era represents the era of new freedom and opporunities from everyday struggles. Smartphones,social media, TV shows are one of many daily activities people enjoy despite the evident lack of productivity each activity creates. Neil Postman, a social critic, foresaw similarities between the dystopian society in …

A Joke That Is Not So Funny

“Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he’s been given. But up to now he hasn’t been a creator, only a destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life’s become extinct, the climate’s ruined and the land grows …

A Filipino Metamorphosis - Poetry Essay Reviewing

Once upon a time there was a poet who woke up and found himself turned into ”some kind of animal”. It was dog-like with sharp teeth, whiskers, a hand becoming a paw, a voice with a ”keening sound”; it scratched and rooted around in the soil with a swishing tail. …

A Critical Analysis of Jake Barnes

In Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises the character Jake Barnes illustrates the tragic fate of the lost generation. Although literary critics debate the source of Hemingway’s purpose for the protagonist, most of them agree that Jake Barnes portrays the moral, psychological, and physical decay of the postwar generation. …

Roles in the Odyssey and to Kill a Mockingbird

Women in literature are usually portrayed as nurturing members of society. Typically, female characters are shown as housewives, taking care of the children and the home, but the female characters in The Odyssey are greatly different. Female characters in To Kill a Mockingbird are seen in the background, providing care …

My Mother and Her Sister by Jane Rogers

‘My mother and her sister’ is a short-story written by Jane Rogers in 1996. Here we follow our main character in the period after his mother’s death and funeral. In this period the main character has invited his aunt Lucy to come and stay with him. This visit gushes forth …

Pale Horse Pale Rider

Reading the three different novels “Old Mortality”, “Noon Wine” and “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” you will learn that despite the different plots in the novels there is a common thread. The protagonists in all three novels has been challenged or locked in some way by the society but finally breaks …

A Home Is Not a House

[1]Reyner Banham has been one of the widely recognised and influential writers on architecture and design. Raised as an engineer Reyner had a unique vision towards the contemporary modernism in the architectural design. His uniqueness was the result of the combination of the academic’s rigour, the writer’s lightness of touch …

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