Profession Essays

There are many psychological discomforts in the world that people often meet. They have big effect to us and environment. Bipolar disorder is one of them. In this review we will answer what is this disorder, what are the symptoms for bipolar disorder, what are the cause for this disorder, …
“I like to live an active lifestyle and not let my illness stop me from being a normal student,” was said by Jessica, diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when she was only a baby, and is currently attending Ohio State University as a freshman (Children’s Hospital). More than 300,000 people are …
The world is full of many different colours but not everyone gets to see them in the same way. “The first scientific paper about colour blindness was written by John Dalton in 1793 entitled Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours” (Fluck 5). Colour vision defects can occur at …
When a woman reaches puberty, her body not only changes hormonally and physically, but her cells within a specific area where her uterus and cervix meet together will interact with each other and begin to form what is called the transformation zone. This process will continue for the rest of …
A clear liquid diet consists of only clear liquids at room temperature like water, fat-free broth, and gelatin all while remaining free of solid foods so that they can be easily digested and free of gas formation (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Clear liquid diets are usually prescribed for patients getting procedures …
If there is one thing in life that is almost always a guarantee, it is that each individual will need some sort of health care at some point in life. There are copious businesses that make profits and individuals who have jobs and support their families because of this notion. …
The Hippocratic Oath is the oath all doctors take after medical school in which they state their code of conduct and obligations as a doctor. This oath which was written over 2500 years serves as a written set of rules for doctors to go by when involved in patient care. …
St. Martin de Porres was born on December 9, 1579, in Lima, Peru. His father’s name was Don Juan de Porres and his mother’s name was Ana Velazquez, His sister’s name was Juana de Porres. During San Martin de Porres childhood, He was being raised by his mom but since …
Weed, aka marijuana, should be legalized because if we consume it, what is wrong? We’re not hurting anyone but ourselves, so why should we be harassed about getting arresting or getting a ticket? From the 1970’s until now we have heard that marijuana destroys brain cells, causes psychoses, lowered testosterone …
Serious mental illnesses affect approximately 61.5 million Americans in a given year. Among these illnesses is Schizophrenia, which affects a person’s thought process, actions, and feelings. Someone who suffers from Schizophrenia has trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary and often experiences delusions, hallucinations, and scattered thoughts …
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