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Literature Essays

While studying, students are obliged to read lots of books which are related to their major. Some of those texts are technological while others are more related to novels. Depending on the specifications of tasks, literature essays may have different structure and outline. However, there is one rule which can be applied to such tasks. Literature examples should not retell the plot like a summary but analyze the content from a scientific aspect. It is of the paramount importance to pay attention to investigating the chosen topic of a book. A writer can select specific themes, symbols, chapters or other features which help readers to understand the meaning more deeply.

By showing the target audience that there is some hidden information which can be read between the lines, a writer shows that it is a scientifically critical essay and not a simple retelling of the main events. It is true that for preparing such an academic piece of writing you need to spend lots of time on examining the literature. That is why you can order your ideal essay here by explaining your assignment to our customer support service representatives.

The Science Fiction

It’s often said that Science Fiction is the literature of change. When a culture is undergoing a lot of changes due to scientific advances and technological, and developments expects to undergo more, it’s hardly surprising if stories about these changes become popular as a way of expressing people’s feelings (optimistic …

Throughout the Odysseus we see many good and bad qualities of Odysseus

Odysseus is known to be a great leader and these leadership qualities are presented in how he always looks out for his men. Although sometimes the advise he gives them is ignored and this reflects on the men’s stubbornness. This behaviour is seen before the attack of the Cicones. Odysseus …

Thomas Hardy – analysis of three poems

An epitaph is an inscription upon a tomb, in few verses for the casual observer to read carefully. It is usually carved in stone and is very synthetic. The Elegy is much more lengthy than an epitaph. The two genres differ not only in lengths, but also in subject matter, …

The Truman Show is a powerful satire on media intrusion into people’s lives

The very first time I watched ‘The Truman Show’ I thought, wow! What a great film, and never thought in too much detail about it. My subconscious concentrated on the obvious, and without realising, I’d missed a lot of the main points that would have helped my understanding of the …

How do we understand the ghost in Act 1 Scene 5 of Hamlet

From the opening scene of the play, the ghost of Hamlet the King of Denmark is a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Only appearing in the dead of night, and moving “like a guilty thing”, it’s intentions remain uncertain until Act 1 Scene 5. Despite giving it’s reasons for …

The use of the supernatural in Jane Eyre

‘Jane Eyre’ has been described as “no more than a typical romantic novel” but if it is read deeper, qualities unusual in a romantic novel are uncovered. Qualities that are more associated with “gothic novels” of the time. These lead me to believe that ‘Jane Eyre’ was not just “a …

Was Macbeth a Victim

Macbeth in my opinion is portrayed as a victim in many ways. He can be seen as a victim of His own ambition, and as a target for evil of the Weird Sister’s. But was Lady Macbeth a factor in pressuring Macbeth into the decisions he made? The play opens …

Which Version Of The Hamlet Ghost Scene (Act 1 Scene 5)

In this essay I will compare three film versions of the ghost scene from Shakespeare’s play, ‘Hamlet’. They are; Mel Gibson version made in 1990, Kenneth Branagh’s version produced in 1996 and Ethan Hawke’s version from 2001. In my opinion the Mel Gibson version has the best interpretation of the …

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