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Books Essays

Book Essay Samples & Examples

Lots of teachers give tasks to their students to prepare an essay about reading. The assignment can refer to the literary analysis of the text or examining the characters of the book. You need to read the task requirements carefully to find out which type of writing you need to use.

Literary analysis is not an easy task because here you need to investigate the text objectively. It is not correct to retell the plot of the book. You just need to examine various themes, motifs, symbols, historical and social background, author’s biography. You don’t have to include your subjective opinion. Don’t forget to include quotes to prove your statements. Also, you have to explain each saying in your own words.

Writing book essays may take lots of time. That is why try our professional service which aims at providing high-quality papers for students. Just fill in the details about your task and wait for the completed article ready for submission.

Man's desires

Although the use of magic in works of literature are normally added to form a layer of mystery and wonder, William Shakespeare’s use of magic in his play, “The Tempest”, holds a deeper social meaning. Shown through the gaze of Prospero’s magic, and the use of other characters, Shakespeare is …

Human Nature

Whether human nature is innately good or evil has been a topic discussed throughout centuries by many philosophers. Aristotle and his student, Plato, were one of the first philosophers to believe that a human’s capability to reason, creates a pathway for human nature to be good. In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s …

Deception and Destruction

Guns, swords and knives are the image of ideal weapons used to win the bloodiest of battles— but the war can only be won with deception. When the Trojans believed that they had finally triumphed over the Greeks after ten years of gruesome battle, they lay no suspicion upon the …

Thanatopsis. Nature Can Do Better

“Thanatopsis” was the first poem we started reading in our second book and it’s written by William Cullen Bryant. I immediately remembered that in class we discussed that the title refers to death. In fact, on my notes I wrote that “thana” meant death and “topsis” meant view. The title …

To Judge or Not to Judge

Judging others is very natural without even trying. No matter how hard we try not to judge others, it’s a battle being fought by many. Judging others is so common, many of us do so when we encounter someone different from you without meaning to do so. Regardless of the …

The two sides of a Calvinist mind

In a world where religion is not longer the root that controls society, there’s a need to preserve what was before known as a long-lasting faith. The distance from motherland England and the New World allowed the separation of oneself from religion. These individuals were finding themselves reaching and getting …

If I Believe Why Do I Doubt 

It is time, at last to understand how the roles of doubt and faith are played into James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown. Through Stephen’s journey and Young Goodman Brown’s realization of faith, it reveals how much having doubt …

Fear and Human Nature

Life of Pi, Young Goodman Brown, and The Crucible, all these titles have a certain theme in common with each other. Although, they are different renditions of it. But, in the end they all encompass the same claim: fear. Fear is something that everyone experiences and it isn’t something that …

Young Goodman Brown

The Salem witch trials of 1692 were one of the darkest times in American History, fueled by the tragic mindset of the Puritan community. The story “Young Goodman Brown” is rich with gothic descriptions, portraying many of the dark and sinister thoughts the Puritans had during the witch trials. Hawthorne …


During the development of a child we are introduced to resilience, the capability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness (Merrian-Webster, 2018). Resilience is tested by stress that is introduced in their life, as a child, such as going to school/daycare and leaving your parents, riding a bike for the first …

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