Play Essays

There are many fairytale elements in ‘The Merchant of Venice’. For example, there is the idea of being three different items such as the three caskets, three thousand ducats in the bond and the three marriages. There is also the idea of deception, which is featured in many fairy tales. …
Modern audiences would blame Paris for not courting Juliet, however in Shakespeare’s time Paris would have been considered as behaving in a much more proper fashion than Romeo. Private courting between young people, illustrated in Romeo and Juliet, was officially disapproved of. There are many types of love in the …
William Shakespeare is probably the greatest dramatist of England. I think everyone has read one of his great plays or at least has seen one of the movies which are based on Shakespeare’s work. In this essay I will compare two of his tragedies ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’ and ‘Tragedy …
Yesterday civil brawl erupted in the market place of Verona between the Montagues and the Capulets. Being the third civil brawl the fed up prince Escalus orders death on the next participants to take place in one of the petty brawls. In the marketplace, two Capulet servants Sampson and Gregory …
The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare has two major themes running through its story. Even though it was written in the late 1500s these themes still have significance today. The main characters of this play are Shylock, the Jew, who is a money lender charging interest to make …
Overlooked in many books, nature plays a huge part in the novel The Scarlet Letter. It plays its own character that seems to show emotions as well as its own likes and dislikes. It is where Hester and Dimmesdale first committed their sin and it also seems to be the …
Juliet,when we first meet her, is a 13 year old girl on the borderline of childhood and maturity. Over the course of the days to foll she develops into an intelligent, sharp witted woman because of the harships she has to face. When we first meet Juliet, she is portrayed …
In Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” the Macduffs are foils to the Macbeths because the Macduffs are good, heroic characters, and the Macbeths are evil-oriented people. Macbeth is only loyal to himself, while Macduff gets tested, and proven to be loyal to Scotland and the king. Macbeth and Macduff contrast each other in …
We live in a world entangled with lies, jealousy, violence and tragedy. We are an envious society that never has enough, and we’re willing to tear down others to get what we want, or to ruin their happiness. Two texts that portray these values of society include “Othello”, a play …
In “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles we see many occasions where a reader or perhaps even a scholar can begin to get confused. However, Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex takes time to look at some of the most debated events throughout the entire book. E.R. Dodd’s transforms Oedipus Rex into a descriptive …
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