Play Essays

In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, many things happen to these young love birds that test their love for one another, and many people make their being together a more difficult situation than it has to be. These two star-crossed lovers are not the only one’s …
Aristotle’s definition of ‘tragedy’ requires the audience to be profoundly moved by the course of events. Discuss your response to the play by the end of the final scene. Explain the extent to which you fit Aristotle’s definition. (Timed essay) Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy which requires the audience to …
Modern Day Parallels in Macbeth Shakespeare’s Macbeth is unquestionably one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies from the use of foreshadowing to the topics of conflict still present in modern day society. It’s almost as if he knew these conflicts would plague man for centuries to come. Then again its almost …
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” (Act I, Scene I, line 10) With this opening paradoxical quote, Shakespeare opens the tragedy of Macbeth. Macbeth is the tragic hero of this tragedy, as his ambitious actions place him in a downwards spiral until he loses everything that was once precious …
It is very hard to decide that recent human social evolution can be disintegrated from mass media or not. In fact our lives are so much dependent on information being generated by various resources that it is virtually impossible to remain effective without any communication systems. Information needs a medium …
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, many characters react too quickly to things without really thinking before acting. Doing this, also known as “haste is waste”, causes many problems throughout the play which could have been avoided if the characters weren’t so hasty. “Haste is waste”, the …
A tragedy is the story of an individual whose downfall is brought about by specific defects in his character, tragic flaws. The play, Othello, is a twisted tale of deceit and revenge. Iago creates an alternate world filled with lies, that unfortunately consumes the trusting and naive Othello. Othello’s downfall …
In Act 2, scene 1, Iago’s comment that Othello and Desdemona “are well tuned” is a metaphor of harmonic music in which he uses to indicate the current harmony of Othello’s marriage. However the comment is then followed by Iago’s vow “to set down the pegs”, which show his intentions …
The emotion of fear is so powerful that it can motivate an individual to do the unimaginable. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, fear is the driving force for murder, escape, and madness. There are three types of fear that are exhibited in this tragic Shakespearean play. They are the fears based …
The timing of events is very important in Act III. Iago anticipates and manipulates the other characters so skilfully that they seem to be acting simultaneously of their own free will and as Iago’s puppets. For example, it takes only the slightest prompting on Iago’s part to put Othello into …
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