Play Essays

The costuming throughout the movie has been altered into modern clothing. The costuming worn at the Capulet’s party symbolizes the position of the wearer in many different ways. Juliet and Romeo are often seen in white. Romeo appears in mostly blue tones or pale silvers while Juliet’s signature is pure …
Macbeth is set in 11th century Scotland, which during this time was a violent and troubled country. Murders and political revenge were not unusual. The weak foundations of society made crime a “joyful trouble”. There were battles between relatives and clans to determine the ownership of land or trade. In …
Shakespeare’s famous revenge tragedy Hamlet is a story of unrelenting twists and thrills of madness and revenge. I have chosen to compare this play to Michael Almereyda’s film made in 2000 that is a modern interpretation of the original text and was an attempt to do to Hamlet what Baz …
In many of the plays by William Shakespeare, the central character goes through internal and external changes that ultimately shake their foundations to the core. Numerous theories have been put forth to explain the sequence of tragedies Shakespeare wrote during this period by linking it to some experience of melancholy, …
The late sixteenth century play “˜The Merchant of Venice’, one of Shakespeare’s more popular comedies, is one that is portraying various peoples lives throughout Venice and Belmont. During the course of the play there is a concentration of thoughts and emotions towards the character Shylock, a Jewish usurer, this is …
Romeo and Juliet are victims of fate, which is a dominant force from the beginning of the play. In the opening prologue we are told that Romeo and Juliet are “star-cross’d” and “death-mark’d”. The audience learns that the young lovers are doomed to destruction and tragedy. “From forth the fatal …
The character of Iago in Shakespeare’s “Othello” is possibly Shakespeare’s darkest character, not because he kills other characters but for his almost supernatural ability to manipulate the other figures of the play. He manipulates the other characters into following their own agendas and all the while coming closer to his …
In this soliloquy Iago’s schemes are becoming a reality and his tone is one of confidence as he continues to play the villain and appear to be honest. The idea of him playing a game is expressed in the words “I play the villain”. Also the idea of “win the …
Sigmund Freud stated the play Oedipus the King is an immoral play and sets aside the individual’s responsibility and social law. Freud also states that divine forces in the play are partly to blame for the immoral conduct of the characters. This is not an accurate statement. Oedipus the King …
Movie vs. Play Most parts of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” the movie, met my expectations. Many of the characters were well fitted to their part. Calista Flockheart was a great choice for an actress to portray Helena and her jealousy towards the beautiful Hermia. She played Helen’s part just as …
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