Play Essays

Is Hamlet ‘mad’? Or is he simply performing by putting on an ‘act’? Throughout the play there are many quotes and actions to help us begin to understand Hamlet’s nature, however today there are still many unanswered questions concerning the troubled character. In many productions Hamlet’s character is comical (Hamlet …
A tragedy is when something awful has happened, in this case, Hamlet’s father, Old Hamlet, has died. A ‘Revenge Tragedy’ is set. Hamlet’s mission is to avenge his father’s death. A ‘Revenge Tragedy’ is always a very exciting theme for a story and that is why it was popular in …
“An Inspector Calls” is a play that was written by John Boynton Priestley. He uses the play as an example of what can happen if we are ignorant to the feelings of others. In the play many characters are symbolized as stereotypical social figures who state extremist social views and …
The play was written in the late 1950’s and deals with issues such as, the hollowness of Anzac day, different generational meanings of Anzac day, social class, the value of education and woman returning to the workforce. ‘One day of the year’ would be classified as an early Australian play …
Over the last few weeks we have been studying the two scripts, Valerie and Oedipus. We used some of the explorative strategies to help us understand and develop the plays. Oedipus is a Greek play. In Greece they perform plays in an Amphitheatre which has a lot of people that’s …
My practical work in July-September 2003 was for option 1 and consisted of Devised work on the theme of Homelessness. We titled our piece ‘Leaving Home’. There were four of us in our group. Our work is based on the play ‘Under the Bridge’. We start with Scene 3 of …
I have studied a number of plays which include the theme of dreams such as ‘Of Mice and Men’, ‘Jimmy’ and ‘Billy Liar’. Studying these plays has been a part of my GCSE drama coursework. The play ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in the 1930’s of America, it is …
The play I am writing about is called ‘Absurd Person Singular.’ It is written by Alan Ayckbourn, a modern writer and also a very clever writer in my view. This play is about three couples. In each act (there are three acts) it is set in one of the couples’ …
1. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet appeals to his audience in a similar way to writers in today’s society because he uses the same kind of crude humor referring to violence and relationships. He uses the “slang” of that time, considering that it was commoners that went to see his plays. …
Absurd Person Singular is a play written by Alan Ayckbourn in the 20th century. Absurd Person Singular is a black comedy where the characters have very strong characteristics that the audience can relate to. The play was written in three acts, each act is preformed in three different kitchens over …
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