Play Essays

We cannot deny that Lady Macbeth did contribute to Macbeth’s downfall although she wasn’t alone in this act. Many other things did affect the tragedy; the witches who cruelly deceived Macbeth with half-truths about his destiny, Macbeth’s own greed and desire to be king, and of course fate itself which …
To classify a person as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is a very general and dangerous action. Oscar Wilde however poses the question ‘what makes a good and a bad person?’ throughout his play ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan’. Each of the characters displays their good and bad behaviour but more importantly their opinions …
As part of my GCSE English “Macbeth” coursework, I had to analyse how Lady Macbeth persuaded Macbeth to murder Duncan, with a detailed reference to Act 1 Scenes 5, 6 and 7 and Act II scene 1. Also, I needed to consider the events and themes of the play so …
‘I dare do all that may become a man; /who dares do more is none’ Are these the words of a hero or a villain? At the beginning he is known as ‘noble’ and ‘brave’ but gradually transforms into a ‘hell hound’ and a ‘dead butcher’. His path to damnation …
The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeare’s plays, tells a tale that has a moral lesson attached to it. Many a great man has fallen prey to greed, ambition, and power. Macbeth is no exception. His ambition to control the power of the thrown confuses his judgement. When a …
The question is asking us to show our opinions to whether he is a person injured/destroyed in seeking to obtain an object or whether he is a person guilty/capable of great wickedness. The question tells us that Macbeth is a man of superhuman qualities. The play is written in 1606. …
To what extent do you agree with this statement? The Tragedy of Macbeth was written in 1606 by William Shakespeare. King James I was on the throne when this play was written. The king was particularly interested in witchcraft, as his life had been threatened by a group of witches …
* Explore the ways in which Shakespeare creates tension in this scene. * Compare the ways in which a modern audience would respond to this scene with how you think Shakespeare’s contemporary audience would have responded. * Discuss how you would direct the scene to bring out its dramatic qualities. …
It is evident that within the first four scenes the key themes of the play have been established that the play is very dramatic and tragic. The witches are introduced in the opening scene. There is a very dark and stormy atmosphere, giving it a creepy and eerie start to …
Macbeth, like many of Shakespeare’s famous plays, relies heavily on antithesis to convey its inner meaning. It is very important that each place has opposing forces and parallels, and these make it much better. Shakespeare uses a variety of techniques like cultural significance, charisma and motivating ideas to get his …
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