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Philosophy Essays

Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

In this essay I will be comparing the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. I will be discussing the differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality, and lastly explain a personal experience between virtue, values, and moral concepts, and how they relate to one …

The Ethics Game Dilemma

The Ethics Game Simulation is a tool created to teach how the decision-making process affects various stakeholders, and the ethical value of the decision determinations. Business organizations have encountered new challenges of ethical awareness with the increased globalization of industries and markets. People of many cultures, social statuses, and religions …

Ethical Issues In Advertising

Advertising is communication for advancing an issue/ cause. Criticism includes exaggerated claims and outright falsehoods. Lack of taste, irritating repitition and offensive character including negative stereotypes. Charged with creating a consumerist culture and emptying communication of content. THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ADVERTISING Advertising is wasteful. No value added to automobile …

One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?

When Frederick Herzberg researched the sources of employee motivation during the 1950s and 1960s, he discovered a dichotomy that still intrigues (and baffles) managers: The things that make people satisfied and motivated on the job are different in kind from the things that make them dissatisfied. Ask workers what makes …

Rado Watches

Rado watches prove that all watches are not made equal. Since 1962, Rado has been making luxury watches that are completely scratch-proof — so your investment piece will truly last a lifetime. To learn more about Rado watches, check out the facts below. All about Rado Watches: [pic] 1. Rado …

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

1.0.0 Introduction The IBM is establish from June 16, 1911, these technologies and their respective companies were merged by Charles Ranlett Flint to form the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (C-T-R). The New York City-based company had 1,300 employees and offices and plants in Endicott and Binghamton, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; …

No One Would Believe This but This Is the Real Truth

Write a story ending with: ‘No one would believe this but this is the real truth’ I am at the park now. The same park that I went about twelve years ago. Nothing changed much over here. A bunch of kids are too engrossed playing with the slides, fighting among …

An Ethical Analysis of the Enron Scandal

The Enron scandal is one that left a deep and ugly scar on the face of modern business. As a result of the scandal, thousands of people lost their jobs, some people lost their entire pensions, and all of the shareholders lost the money that they had invested in the …

Air Force Core Values - Integrity First

The Air Force runs on three Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. In this essay, we’ll be looking at the first of those. Integrity comes first in the list because it forms the basis of all we do. AFI 1-1 describes it as …

Business Research

Competent researchers and astute managers alike practice thinking habits that reflect sound reasoning – finding correct premises, testing the connections between their facts and assumptions, making claims based on adequate evidence. Empirical testing or empiricism is said to denote observations and propositions based on sensory experience and/or derived from such …

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