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Philosophy Essays

What are the Main Features of Utilitarianism as an Ethical Theory

In this essay I plan to explain the main features of utilitarianism, and the criticisms that have been made against it. I will also examine some philosopher’s opinions on utilitarianism. Utilitarianism comes in many different forms, the forms that I plan to concentrate on are; act and rule utilitarianism, rule …

Reality Television Genre and the Moral Implications the Genre Raises

What is reality television? Well reality television started in the 1990’s and from there onwards it has become the most rapidly growing programme format. Reality television has been mixed together to make other subjects such as game shows (Big Brother), soaps (Eastenders) and documentaries. These programmes mainly Big Brother are …

Why Did Journey Times Improve Between 1750-1840?

You can see from these results that the speed of coaches didn’t really improve until 1760 where it had increased greatly before 1780. It was nearly 5 times the speed before 1720 that it was by 1840 this shows us how much they did improve. The question know is how? …

The Time Taken for Diffusion and Cell Dimension

Aim: To investigate the relationship between the time taken for diffusion and cell dimension. Procedure: 1. Place the gelatin block on a tile or Petri dish and use a scalpel or razor blade to cut it in half, producing two cubes of 10mm sides 2. Keep on of these cubes …

Benefits and Drawback of Advertising on Prime-time TV

Advertising on prime time TV shows will allow Brisk to reach out to a larger and broader target audience as average consumers spend close to 31% of their time on TV. Adding on, TV is a form of mass media platform where it can deliver a large number of advertisement …

Current Coffee Shops vs Future Coffee Shops

The first thing I noticed when I walked towards Starbucks on Wednesday morning at 9:10 a. m. was the long line of people that ended just outside the entrance. This was not too surprising as this Starbucks location is in the heart of Port Credit, next to the landmark lighthouse …

Entrepreneurship: the Future for Our Youth and Our Economy

America’s economic success in the world has been based on entrepreneurship. The hypothesis that entrepreneurship is linked to economic growth finds its most immediate foundation in simple intuition, common sense and pure economic observation: activities to convert ideas into economic opportunities lie at the very heart of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is …

Meaning of Life and Desiree's Baby

Where had Madame Valmonde found Desiree for the first time when she was a baby? In the shadow of the big stone pillar. b) Why had Armand’s mother never left France? Armad’s mother never left France because she loved the country so much and she died there. c) What was …

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