Personal Philosophy Essays

The conception of free will and its influence over human control has been at the forefront of philosophical debates and discussions for as long as the theme of philosophical thought has been interpreted. The notion of free will, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the “canonical designator …
The mind is an unknown space, an entity which has not been seen, a soul that has not been measured, yet it can manage a to steer a material object that is the body, a vessel if you will, as it moves and develops across this earth. I will examine …
The specific topic I will be discussing about is Free Will. Free Will is briefly described as the freedom of individuals to compose and generate choices that are strictly not determined by previous experiences. In short terms free will is conclusions individuals make that are directly a product of one’s …
Ever since the beginning of humanity as we know it, people have been trying to find reasonable and logical answers to some questions that have always troubled their minds and haunted their thoughts. These questions are considered philosophical questions, which brings us to focus on philosophy, a faculty of thoughts …
Religious language first became a topic in philosophy in the early forties, when most logical positivists believed all god-talk to be meaningless (Kraal). In the fifties Anthony Flew even published an essay that seems to prove god-talk is meaningless, based on the premise that it cannot be proven true without …
As an individual it is important to analyze and prioritize personal values, however, it becomes more crucial when that individual is a teacher affecting the lives of the future generations to come. Having the opportunity to shape young minds every day is one of my favorite aspects of being a …
My Philosophy on Education Based on The Fundamentals of Past, Present, and Future Perspectives Via Excerpts of Published References and Personal Viewpoints Mayra Guzman Miami Dade College Abstract This essay talks about my background and why I came to have the belief system that I have which that of Reconstructionism. …
The term religion is so common among us, and a majority of people across the globe ascribe to certain religious beliefs. Notably, different religious organizations have distinct ways of practicing their faith. The norms attributed to these religious organizations vary to the extent of how they worship, and even who …
“To instruct someone… is not a matter of getting him to commit results to mind. Rather, it is to teach him to participate in the process that makes possible the establishment of knowledge. We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on that subject, but rather to get …
Summary and Application Plan Most people, particularly in the turbulent years of adolescence and young adulthood, spend a great amount of time in search of meaning and value of life. On reflection, I could confidently say that I have transcended that stage, as meaning and value for me are clear …
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