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Literature Essays

While studying, students are obliged to read lots of books which are related to their major. Some of those texts are technological while others are more related to novels. Depending on the specifications of tasks, literature essays may have different structure and outline. However, there is one rule which can be applied to such tasks. Literature examples should not retell the plot like a summary but analyze the content from a scientific aspect. It is of the paramount importance to pay attention to investigating the chosen topic of a book. A writer can select specific themes, symbols, chapters or other features which help readers to understand the meaning more deeply.

By showing the target audience that there is some hidden information which can be read between the lines, a writer shows that it is a scientifically critical essay and not a simple retelling of the main events. It is true that for preparing such an academic piece of writing you need to spend lots of time on examining the literature. That is why you can order your ideal essay here by explaining your assignment to our customer support service representatives.

An Exploration of the Relationship Between Pip and Magwitch in Great Expectations

Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. Dickens was sent to school at the age of seven, this proved fairly pointless as Dickens’ father, John Dickens, soon fell into debt and was put into prison, the rest of the Dickens family, due to finances were forced to join their …

Importance Of Guilt In Cal

Cal is an insightful story set it Northern Ireland in Ulster in the mid 1970’s, where Mac Laverty opens the novel with the protagonist Cal, a Catholic teenager living during the sectarian Troubles where there was intense socio-political and religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants, involving the rule of British …

Eduacting Rita

Choose at least two scenes form the play which show how Rita changes as the play progresses. Explain how you would direct an actress playing Rita in these scenes to highlight these changes. The first scene i have chosen to direct is Act 1 Scene 1. This is important because …

"Shirley Valentine" by Willy Russell

In the play Shirley Valentine, Willy Russell portrays a spectacular transformation in the main character Shirley. Shirley is a stifled middle aged woman, living in a typical urban area of Liverpool in 20th century London. Throughout the novel she is transformed from a suffering middle ages woman living in the …

The Chapter 15 and 16 of "Pride and Prejudice"

The story of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen revolves around the actual words ‘pride’ and ‘prejudice’. Pride is where a haughty attitude shown by somebody who believes, often unjustifiably, that he or she is better than others. Her pride prevented her from mixing with those she considered her social …

"The Landlady" by Roald Dahl and "The Open Window" by Saki

The two stories that are being compared are “the landlady” by Roald Dahl and “the open window” by Saki. Both stories are earlier than the middle twentieth century. The two short stories have many similarity and difference in dealing with suspense and deception. The narrative perspective of both stories are …

Joe-Bob - Creative Writing

Joe-Bob sat despondently in Mr. Martin’s Barbershop at the corner of Kentucky Street, waited to be served. The barbershop was empty because he was early. He was early because he had taken the day off work to get some hair to cover the oval and round shape, black mole that …

"Macbeth" - Act 1 Scene 7, and Act 2 Scene 1 and 2

Analyse the dramatic qualities of Act 1 Scene 7, and Act 2 Scene 1 and 2, and consider their importance to the play as a whole. Show how these may be influenced by the social and historical context, or different cultural contexts. Shakespeare uses a soliloquy in Act 1 Scene …

"The Signalman", "The Red Room" and "The Pit and the Pendulum"

‘The Signalman’, ‘The Red Room’ and ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’ are all Victorian short stories and were all written in the nineteenth century. When these stories were written, there always seemed something mysterious and disturbing going on at the time. In 1843 there were links to Darwin’s theory to …

Ghost Story - The Derilick Fairground

It was dark, the cold harsh sea air and spray whipped across his face. He was standing alone on a cliff over looking the roaring, treacherous sea. He heard a movement behind him; he felt a hand on his back and the next thing he knew he was falling, falling …

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