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Literature Essays

While studying, students are obliged to read lots of books which are related to their major. Some of those texts are technological while others are more related to novels. Depending on the specifications of tasks, literature essays may have different structure and outline. However, there is one rule which can be applied to such tasks. Literature examples should not retell the plot like a summary but analyze the content from a scientific aspect. It is of the paramount importance to pay attention to investigating the chosen topic of a book. A writer can select specific themes, symbols, chapters or other features which help readers to understand the meaning more deeply.

By showing the target audience that there is some hidden information which can be read between the lines, a writer shows that it is a scientifically critical essay and not a simple retelling of the main events. It is true that for preparing such an academic piece of writing you need to spend lots of time on examining the literature. That is why you can order your ideal essay here by explaining your assignment to our customer support service representatives.

The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is considered by many to an important piece of colonial literature in Britain, and also the first modern psychological novel of its time. The novel describes the journey of Marlow and his encounters with the natives and Dutch colonists while traveling in the …

Human Evil as Seen in Lord of the Flies

William Golding author of Lord of the Flies argues that humans have an inherently evil nature. Golding demonstrates the evil nature of humans by using seemingly innocent children and showing the capability they have to commit unprovoked acts of evil. Beginning with their arrival to the island, the children, following …

What are the important characteristics of an effective ghost story

Gothic horror is a genre that has remained popular throughout history. The genre originally came about when books were introduced with castles and they were based gothic architecture, art and poetry- thus the genre was given its name. It’s a lot more than just the locations; gothic horror tends to …

The Importance of the Inspector Goole in this play

In this essay I am going to analyse the role of the inspector. I shall look at his importance as a ‘conscience’ figure, his effect on characters and as a dramatic tool. Firstly, I will look at the evidence we have about the ‘ghostly’ side of the character, the evidence …

Jackson Pollock and metamorphosis at “Lavender Mist” (1950)

Jackson Pollock is a vivid American representative of abstract expressionism. When you are a critical person without abstract thinking, you will see a canvas with incomprehensible lines and colors, but if you look deep inside into his drawing, you’ll see all the breadth of his worldview.The abstract creativity of the …

An Interview with Leonardo Da Vinci

I remember very little of Anchiano when I was born in 1452, but my memories of Vinci are clearer, such as my father, Piero and my mother, Catarina and the small church there. However, when I was 14 years old, my family and I moved to Florence, where I received …

Jane Eyre: Textual Analysis of Chapter 26

In the pages leading up to Chapter 26 Jane is in a state of emotional turmoil. She has accepted her master’s proposal, although she has shown signs that she is mentally unprepared to be re-christened ‘Mrs. Rochester’. The passage starts just as Jane and Mr. Rochester are arriving at the …

Jane Eyre: The Fortune Teller

The chapter starts off a little tongue- in-cheek as Jane refers to the fortune-teller as ‘the Sybil’. Jane is thoroughly doubtful of the woman’s powers, and she enters the room thinking that she cannot be fooled, feeling superior and a little smug. Ironically, whilst she feels she is the clever …

What kind of Play is The Glass Menagerie

* Comes from the Greek tragos meaning goat sacrificed to give thanks for the harvest and expel any evil in the community; hence the term scapegoat* The ingredients of Greek tragedy were the scapegoat, that is the person who had brought evil to the community who must therefore be sacrificed …

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