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Learning Essays

Learning Essay Samples & Examples

With the development of technologies, education changes day by day. Types of learning methods can be a good topic for your essay. You can write about modern schools, top universities, Ivy Leagues, e-learning, personal learning strategies, pedagogical novelties, and teaching methodology. You can do research and use the materials in books or online. Just don’t forget to mention all the references in the works cited page.

Learning essays are usually written in the informative style. You have to include the theory by citing credible sources. Also, it is good if you avoid using direct quotes. It is more efficient to paraphrase because this won’t be counted as plagiarism by online checkers.

If you need original and high-quality paper, use our writing service. We have been working in the sphere of writing for many years. Our writers know how to make your paper of the highest quality. Click to order your assignment and get the best essay ever.

Influence Of Uniforms in School On Students

Introduction and Theoretical Framework  Majority of the private as well as the parochial schools has been in need of uniforms for quite a period of time. In the majority of the public schools in existence all over the country, there has been an implementation of either a voluntary or a …

Integrative Essay on Teacher Competency

When it comes to school-based learning we usually look at the teacher as an indispensable instrument in imparting or importing knowledge to students. A teacher plays an integral and crucial role in molding the minds of and in guiding the students. Most effective and competent teachers have certain characteristics that …

Failure vs. success: Which is the better teacher?

Introduction There is this popular saying that goes— ‘learn from our mistakes’ (Lickona 23). Learning from one’s mistake is one way of improving one’s status in life. But can one learn from success? In the same vein, can one learn from failure? However, if someone may be able to learn …

Teaching Project: Cheese Cake

Abstract The teaching project is to learn how to make a cheese cake by the undergraduate students. Written test and learning The use of technology in this project will enhance their learning process and overall development. Technology not only enhances their learning but it makes the learning process diverse by …

DPE and Goal Instructions for Students with Mental Retardation

ABSTRACT Students with special needs are not strange phenomenon in any given society and their education needs have to be met so as to enable them to achieve the most they can in their childhood and even adulthood. This requires dedicated teachers who have a belief that these mentally challenged …

Successful Collaboration: Special Education Case

            Curriculum orientation for special schools is differentiated and adapted to fit the needs of the special students as they cannot follow the provided curriculum effectively. Since special students need to learn just as much as their normal counterparts, curriculum orientation in special schools is meant to ensure that these …

Teachers’ and Students’ Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” – Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A very powerful and resounding …

Teaching Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy can improve through the application of social learning theory and cognitive-behavior management in the classroom resulting to a more appropriate behavior, increased academic success and foster social justice. Students with learning and behavior difficulties should be helped to develop a positive, participatory access to the general curriculum (Bandura, 1976) …

Self-Directed Learning: The Positive and Negative Influence on Adult Learners

With the rapid development of educational technologies, the concept of self-directed learning (SDL) is gradually becoming an essential component of the major learning methodologies. SDL is fairly regarded as an excellent source of well-balanced learning methodologies and is expected to motivate students on their way to achieving the basic learning …

Cheating In Relationships

Some of the reasons why people cheat are entirely based on emotional needs. However, people are not always perfect in their actions. In many cases, the strength of the relationship does not prevent conflicts. Infidelity is the major cause of conflict in many relationships since it is about feeling emotionally …

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