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Greek Mythology Essays

The Darker Face of the Earth and Oedipus

            The great works of Sophocles and Rita Dove shared common story of love, fate and tragic ending. The Darker Face of the Earth is a poetic version of the Oedipus and some characters resemble in many aspects framed in a more realistic sound of modern slavery. Augustus is a …

The Catharsis of Oedipus the King

            A catharsis is a Greek word for a purification of emotions.  Aristotle was the one who stated that a good tragedy would contain a catharsis and he used the Oedipus Trilogies by Sophocles as the perfect example.  Oedipus the King is a tragic story of how a king is …

The Apollo Group, Inc.

Strategic Plan for Domestic and Global Environments             On its thirty-fifth year for the Apollo Group, Inc. the focus is on student success and on keeping levels of retention and graduation rates high. This is the plan of the company which it believe can be achieved through curriculum improvements, programmatic …

The Tragedy of the Trojan Women

In the beginning of The Trojan Women by Euripides, the city of Troy has been sacked, and Poseidon brings attention to Hecuba crying at the entrance of Troy. Poseidon lists the events unbeknownst to Hecuba, including her daughter Polyxena being killed by the Greeks in a sacrifice at Achilles’ tomb, …

The Odyssey: by Homer

When we talk about epic poems, no other piece of literature finds as spectacular a position in the Greek Culture as do The Iliad and The Odyssey. Being the author of both these classic works, Homer has influenced the ancient Greek civilization more profoundly than Shakespeare has influenced English literature. …

The Iliad by Homer

Introduction The Iliad begins with the story of Achilleus’ wrath and ends with the consequences of Achilleus’ vengeance. In doing so, the Iliad tells of a hero and his struggle to attain everlasting glory; but its themes are not limited to heroic deeds and events. Additional themes include the relationship …

The Characterization of Helen in The Iliad

            Often times, classical literature achieves its timeless, famous status through the integration of remarkable characters.  Of course, the methods used to form such characters are usually quite complex, but not always so.  For example, one might look at the character of Helen of Troy, from Homer’s great poem, The …

The Functions of Female Characters in Homer’s Iliad

Homer’s Iliad is a complex story of men at war, of heroic and bloody deeds by Greek from the Sparta and Trojan warriors during their ten year long struggle while the ascendancy swings from one side to the other. The driving force behind the events of the Iliad is the …

Characterization of Hector in Iliad

Introduction:             The Iliad of Homer, which gives a detailed account of the final years of the Trojan wars, has several characters.  But the story of the epic mainly focuses on two main characters, which will give the epic its main climax, i.e. Achilles and Hector. The Trojan hero Hector …

Comparison between the depiction of war in the Iliad and in Lysistrata

Possibly two of the most well-known Greek literary pieces in the world are The Iliad and Lysistrata. The Iliad is a poem written by Homer, who is one of the most prominent Greek poets, while the Lysistrata is a comical play written by Aristophanes, a Greek dramatist. The Iliad portrays …

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