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Elementary students like to play games, read books and they also showing a high level of motor skills. Teacher should include games as motivation in class to settle the interest of the learners to learn. The teacher should expect that the fine motors of the students needs more practice to develop it. Highschool

Age range of learners observed ___________

Your Reflections
1. While you were observing the learners, What did you recall in your own experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

During the observation period, while I am observing the learners I did recall of my experiences when I was at their age. Although I was not able to recall all it served as a lesson for me. The experiences I recalled much is my experience in reporting, noisiness, and all my unpleasant deeds during my elementary years. Well, all of this are similar to the learners I have observed. Although, I was not able to experience operating computer or using technologies in my report.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, cognitive)? How did it affect you?

Mrs. Jinky O. Genio, my English teacher, is the most unforgettable instructor in my Elementary days. It is because she helped me a lot in developing my emotional and social development. But she helped me more in terms of my academic excellence wherein she gave me advice on how to improve my studies and these helped me a lot. That’s why I considered her as my unforgettable teacher. So, because of her I have attained several accomplishment in my life as a student.

3. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?

My favorite theory of development is Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development because it gives a full details of development from infancy to adolescence, wherein it has four stages, the sensorimotor stage, pre-operational stage, concrete-operational, formal operational stage.

As a prospective teacher someday, I will use this theory of development as my guide in preparing the appropriate and necessary strategies and materials for learners. This theory also suggests in giving students opportunities in exploring many hypothethical questions wherein it requires them to think comprehensively.

4. Share your insights here.

In this observation I have learned that appreciation of effort is important. Equality and fairness in class must prevail. The teacher must be concern not just to a few but to all her students. And lastly, encouragement must be present at all times in a class setting.

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