Driving Essays

Geoffrey Golding established Dorking Driving School in 1928. When Geoffrey established the school he had been a driving instructor for thirty-six years. When Geoffrey passed away in early 2000, his wife, Gloria, took charge of the business. Since the driving school was established it has blossomed into a very well …
Since decades, science has played a significant and imperative role in lives of millions of people living in different parts of the globe by its inventions and innovations through technology. However, besides provision of luxury and facilities, improper usage of scientific and technological innovations has resulted in contrary results as …
Great Britain is rich in world-famous places. Certainly among them there are famous university cities Oxford and Cambridge, Shakespeare’s birthplace — Stratford-upon-Avon, towns of Cardiff, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Stratford-upon-Avon is a small town. Its chief points of interest are associated with Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and playwright. Shakespeare was …
One of the most important safety issues in the United States is how to protect people on the roads. Each year thousands of Americans die in vehicular accidents and among that group are thousands of American teenagers who die in accidents each year, which has spawned one of the more …
Today, there are many car accidents, some are fatal and some leave passengers with lifelong problems. Car accidents are one of the leading factors why the death rate is continuously rising. In this essay I will discuss how speeding, distractions, and how the weather cause car accidents. The most distinguished …
Taxi Driver is a 1976 film written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese. In the film, Manhattan taxi driver, Travis Bickle is a lonely ex-Vietnam Marine by the age of 26. The film centers on his chronic depression and insomnia as it gradually causes him to distance himself …
Death reaches every society through many forms; in the United States, automobiles and other motor vehicles cause staggering numbers of fatalities each year. State and federal governments publish tragic casualty statistics annually. These governments simultaneously create programs that attempt to decrease vehicle related fatalities in the nation. One well …
“Sitting in the driver’s seat, sweat trickling down my forehead, my heavy breathing joined with the thundering pounding in my chest,” a feeling all too real, yet one that was necessary to fulfill my growing experience. As you mature, these memorable “First time experiences” come your way leaving permanent foot …
Texting while driving is a serious issue in America, almost 50% of teens have admitted to texting and driving in a survey taken from ages 16 and up, and it is also one of the leading causes in car accidents. Causing over 5,000 deaths and over 400,000 injuries in one …
When driving, the risk of crashing is always a possibility; however with a cell phone in your hand the risk is four times greater. Using a cell phone while driving has become a big problem in areas around the globe and is reckless driving. Keisha Wall, a nineteen year old …
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