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Driving Essays

Why the legal driving age should not be increased?

Recently, there has been much debate as to whether or not the legal driving age of young Americans should be raised. Although I definitely agree with many of the arguments for this age increase, I do not believe in adding any more restrictions on Americans, or on how we choose …

Bad Driving Habits

Thousands of people are killed in car accidents every year. There are an assortment of reasons why; from driving drunk to even falling asleep at the wheel. The main reason that most people are killed in car accidents each year is because most people have very bad driving habits, and …

Research Paper on MAAD (mothers against drunk driving)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an organization that was founded in 1980 due to the tragic death of a thirteen-year-old year girl in California that was killed by a repeat offender drunk driver. The organization quickly grew larger when the girl’s mother had found out how lenient the laws …

Teenage Driving

Teenage driving has become an increasingly controversial topic over the past decade. Many politicians and adults are fighting for stricter driver’s license requirements and a higher legal driving age. Busy mothers and soon-to-be drivers argue that things are fine just the way they are. However, when the nation’s leading cause …

Character changes throughout The Grapes of Wrath of Tom Joad

Tom Joad’s attitude changes throughout The Grapes of Wrath. These changes alter who Tom is. however not noticeabbly at first, but it is when you examine Tom closely is when you begin to see the alterations made. In the beginning of The Grapes of Wrath, Tom is somewhat impatient with …

Why the Driving Age Should Be Raised

The national driving age should be raised from 16 to 18 because it threatens not only our children but also other innocent people on the road. Statistics show that teenagers, especially sixteen year olds have more car accidents then drivers of any other age. Teenagers do not have the same …

Reflection Journal

Laws and Rules of the Road Create a car saying (Bumper Sticker) or a Road Sign (Billboard) that would describe one main point you learned in Module 5. This is an example of a bumper sticker from a former student: ““Driving the right speed is always a good deed. Enjoy …

The Use of Cell Phone While Driving

Introduction: As set out in the traffic law, not only in our country but in many countries it is prohibited from using cell phones and responds to text messages when driving. This traffic law, unless the rule is definitely accomplished all that we must follow when driving a car. Most …

Cell Phone Use While Driving

It cannot be denied that science and technology have been instrumental in helping us in our daily lives, especially with regards to the way we socialize with each other. Technology has inherently made the world a small village, with communication becoming a tool that is accessible almost everywhere at any …

Thames Valley Commercial Property Report

This document analyses the commercial property market in Thames Valley in the United Kingdom. It focuses on aspects such as: the market conditions; pricing; how the pricing is moving; what influences the pricing movements in the market. The document goes further to outline other issues such as corporate relocation and …

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