US History Essays

As we know Daniel Webster was well known as a very experienced and excellent congressman who was known by many and was elected in 1813. In one of his speeches where he is responding to South Carolina Senate Robert Hayne’s about how the state should have the right to protect …
Our past shapes the way we act in the future. With that said, I agree with George Santayana when he wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. For instance, if we did not learn about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center (where planes …
Within the history of the United States of American, the presence of discrimination against other groups of people has been an inherent part of the country’s values. This nation preaches liberty, but fails to realize or chooses to ignore how they have striped this freedom from the hands of minority …
Sean Wilentz is one of the nation’s prominent figures to this day. Although he hasn’t always been the center of attention or even seen the spotlight like others, his books, commentary on music, politics, and the arts have gained a wide reputation for their force, originality, and elegance. His historical …
William Cuthbert Faulkner, an active modernist, a two times Pulitzer prize winner is considered as one of the greatest American poets of twentieth century. He was born on 1897, New Albany, Mississippi. Every moment of his life is connected with Mississippi soil as he never left the place and almost …
The United States has changed and evolved significantly over time. Although numerous problems remain in our society, they restrict Americans a lot less. In addition, people are constantly fighting to fix and improve these problems in society. My name is Isabela Zanon Martins and I am currently a student at …
Slavery did indeed have a major effect of social reform movements, which had ultimately caused the failure to compromise leading to the civil war. Since America had failed to compromise, it led to an ultimate downfall in US history. The Civil War was the main result which had led to …
Throughout the horrific and rugged of the Oregon trail, an immense amount of travelers fell victims to death. Just between the years 1840-1846– the one period when the Oregon trail had gained most attraction from colonists— a total of 15,000 people died on this expedition of emigration from East to …
Emanuuel Leutze was german born painter who was brought to the united states as a child. He began drawing in 1834. Soon after this he started working as a travelling portrait painter, earning up to $5 a picture. The few history paintings he made at this time attracted considerable praise, …
What were the major factors contributing to US territorial expansion in the 1840s? The major factors that contributed to the US territorial expansion in the 1840’s was the Manifest Destiny and that it was God’s wish that they expand to the Pacific Ocean. A painting by John Gast depicts westward …
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