American History Essays

After the Civil War, America was at a crossway; the previously divided nation had been reunited, slavery had been ended, and America started to revolutionize from the agricultural society of small producers into an urban society, into a big factory business. The economy of the country grew at an astonishing …
One of America’s most deadly terror attacks in history was the tragedy of 9/11. Los Angeles Times released an article the day after these events titled Terrorists Attack New York, Pentagon, Thousands Dead, Injured as Hijacked U.S. Airline Ram Targets; World Trade Center is Destroyed. On September 11, 2001 four …
As we know Daniel Webster was well known as a very experienced and excellent congressman who was known by many and was elected in 1813. In one of his speeches where he is responding to South Carolina Senate Robert Hayne’s about how the state should have the right to protect …
Our past shapes the way we act in the future. With that said, I agree with George Santayana when he wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. For instance, if we did not learn about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center (where planes …
“I do not believe that women are better than men. We have not wrecked railroads, nor corrupted legislature, nor done many unholy things that men have done; but then we must remember that we have not had the chance.” Now because of the 19th amendment, women will be able to …
Following the cold blooded murder of his father, Dennis Vineyard – a fireman who is shot while putting out a fire at a crack house – Derek Vineyard becomes oiled with racial hatred and eventually becomes the second in command of the Venice Beach neo-Nazi gang, The Disciples of Christ. …
Beach. However, after brutally killing two black men who try breaking into his car, Derek is sent to prison for 3 years. While there, he contrasts white-power prisoners with black Lament (Guy Tory), his prison laundry co-worker and eventual friend. Meanwhile Trek’s brother Danny (Edward Furlong), idealizes him and is …
Comparing, Contrasting, Predicting Write a well-organized essay comparing the North and the South and predicting what you think will happen in the West. Remember that you will be graded on content, organization, and mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure). Submit the brief essay to your teacher by the due …
“Girls dancing the Charleston. Gangsters carrying machine guns. Charlie Chaplin playing comical tricks. These are some of the pictures that come into people’s minds when they think of the United States in the 1920s. The roaring twenties. Good times. Wild times” (Callaghan, 2000, p. 92). The images of the 1920s …
The Assault on Fort Wagner has long been the subject of many discussions on the Civil War and is featured prominently in all books that have been written about the Civil War. The Assault on Fort Wagner has even been immortalized in the onscreen adaptation entitled Glory. While there has …
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